
This project creates and deploys the infrastracture and application for an Instagram-like app from the ground up

Primary LanguageShell


  • Personal Solution to the 2nd Project of Udacity CloudDevops Nanodegree Program

Problem Description

In this project, you’ll deploy web servers for a highly available web app using CloudFormation. You will write the code 
that creates and deploys the infrastructure and application for an Instagram-like app from the ground up. 
You will begin with deploying the networking components, followed by servers, security roles and software.

Project Requirements

1. Develop a diagram that acts as a visual aid to the cloud formation script
2. Interpret the diagram and create a cloud formation script

Project Diagram


Network Infrastructure Template

File that builds the network infrastructure

Server Infrastructure Template

File that builds the server infrastructure


Running the create script, creates a stack:
./create.sh [Name your Stack] [filename] [file name]

Running the update script, updates the stack:
./update.sh [Name your Stack] [filename] [file name]

Running the delete script, destroys your stack:
./delete.sh [Name your Stack [filename] [file name]

Expected Result
