
UI and FrontEnd design for a Tax Calculator App

Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Tax Calculator App


Tax calculator

The tax calaculator app is used to calculate the net income after the various deductions have been done. The deductions include the Pay as you earn(PAYE), NSSF and NHIF contributions.The app also factors in the various reliefs an an individual is entitled to i.e personal relief and insurance. The paye is calculated according the prevaling tax brackets and rates. image

Bills manager

The tax app has a bill manager that manages the various bills for example gym,shopping e.t.c. the user can add or delete the various bills according to the usecases. an analysis feature is upcoming to show how a user salary is spend and advice accordingly by throwing alerts. bill manager


The team is open for suggestions and contributions in making the app better. Just open a pull request.

Authors and Acknowledgement

This project was undertaken by members of group 6 as a fullfillment for week one of the Overcome Your Fears SE Bootcamp. our we would like to thank Meriola Technologies for the learning opportunity and guidance through the project.
