
An app that will enable users to create an account and save their passwords.

Primary LanguagePython

Password Locker

This app generates and stores passwords for various accounts.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Running the tests

Create a new account including your username and password. Log In to your account if you have a password already. Check your login details if they do exist. Save any website you recently signed up with it's password. Try to delete any of your user details.

end to end tests

  • Will save your newly generated user and account details into the user_list and account_list respectively. test_save_multiple_user, test_save_multiple_account :
  • Checks whether assorted individuals using the app can save their details. test_delete_user, test_delete_account :
  • Forsees whether credentials and user information can be deleted. test_find_by_website
  • This test simplifies work of looking for your numerous details.
Given that the app is able to : 1. Store account details.
                                2. Generate random passwords.
                                3. Authenticate users to account.
  when the user logs in,
  Then : 1. He/She should be able to create an account.
         2. LogIn with the provided password.
         3. Save his/her login details.
         4. Retrieve Login details with ease.

Built With


git clone the repo and install it on your local machine for usage.


  • MIlla Tevin


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Moringa School.
  • Stack Exchange Community that helped me to debug my errors.