
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

One Minute Pitch

An application that allows users to make one minute pitches and get feedback and votes on them., 01/08/2018


This is a web application that allows users to submit a pitch. Also, other users are allowed to vote on submitted pitches and leave comments to give their feedback on the pitches. For a user to submit a pitch, vote on a pitch or give feedback on a pitch they need to have an account.

The pitches are organized by categories. Examples of categories:

  • pickup lines
  • interview pitches
  • product pitches
  • promotion pitches

User Stories

As a user I would like:

  • to view the different categories
  • to see the pitches other people have posted
  • to submit a pitch in any category
  • to comment on the different pitches and leave feedback
  • to vote on the pitch and give it a downvote or upvote


Behavior Input Outcome
Register to be a user Your email : john@doe.com
Username : jane101
Password : doe1
New user is registered
Log in Your email : john@doe.com
Password : doe1
Logged in
Display pitch categories N/A List of various pitch categories
See pitches from selected category Click a category Directed to a page with a list of pitches from the selected category
Create a pitch Click Create A Pitch An authenticated user is directed to a page with a form where the user can create and submit a pitch
See a pitch Click on a pitch A user is directed to a page containing the pitch, its comments and its votes
Comment on a pitch Click Comment An authenticated user is directed to a page with a form where the user can create and submit a comment on a pitch
Upvote on a pitch Click on upvote glyphicon The votes on the pitch increases by one
Downvote on a pitch Click on downvote glyphicon The votes on the pitch decreases by one

Setup/Installation Requirements

This requires internet connection.

Known Bugs

  • Vote count

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Flask
  • Bootstrap
  • Postgres Database
  • CSS
  • HTML


MIT (c) 2017 Dishon Kuria