A PocketMine-MP plugin that can earn by mining
- Custom items.
- Per world support with permission.
- Supports
as formatting codes. - Lightweight and open source ❤️
- EconomyAPI by onebone/poggit-orphanage
- BedrockEconomy by cooldogedev
- Experience (PocketMine-MP)
Notes: Global earnings does not require any permission and {WORLD} is the name of your world folder listed in the config
- Permission
: Allow users to earn in the world {WORLD}, (Default isOP
# Do not change this (Only for internal use)!
config-version: 1.0
# Messages settings.
# Use "&" as formatting codes.
generic-error: "&cAn unexpected error has occurred."
received: "&eYou have received &6{MONETARY_UNIT}{MONEY}"
# Economy settings.
# Possible providers: economyapi, bedrockeconomy, xp
provider: BedrockEconomy
# Earnings settings.
# If you are using xp provider, 1 = 1 level of experience.
# Global earnings.
"coal_ore": 80
"gold_ore": 150
"iron_ore": 100
# Oak log.
"log": 50
# Spruce log.
"log:1": 60
# Per-world earnings.
world: # World folder name
"diamond_ore": 350
"emerald_ore": 300
"lapis_lazuli": 280
"quartz_ore": 200
"redstone_ore": 250
- Currently none planned. You can contribute or suggest for new features.
- If you find bugs or want to give suggestions, please visit here.
- We accept all contributions! If you want to contribute, please make a pull request in here.
- Icons made from www.flaticon.com