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Virtual ID for Progressive Learning Institutions 🎓

Welcome to the Virtual ID (V-ID) system, your go-to solution for efficient management of learners in progressive learning institutions. Whether you're running a cutting-edge university, an innovative tech academy, or a forward-thinking community-driven learning hub, V-ID has got your back.

Table of Contents


In the realm of progressive learning institutions, efficient management is key to success. The V-ID system is designed to streamline the management of learners, hubs, and community events, making your educational institution more effective and engaging.

Getting Started


Before embarking on your journey with V-ID, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js: The V-ID system runs on Node.js. If you haven't installed it yet, you can download Node.js here.

  • PostgreSQL: V-ID relies on PostgreSQL for data storage. If you don't already have it, you can get PostgreSQL here.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/virtual-id.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd virtual-id
  3. Install project dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  4. Ensure your PostgreSQL database is up and running. We'll keep your database name secret, no worries!

  5. Configure your Prisma schema:

    • Rename the schema.example.prisma file in the prisma directory to schema.prisma.
    • Customize your database URL in the schema.prisma file to match your PostgreSQL setup.
  6. Generate Prisma Client:

    npx prisma generate


The V-ID system comes equipped with a range of features to make your institution management a breeze:

  • Learner Management: Easily keep track of learner profiles, progress, and achievements.

  • Collaborative Hubs: Create virtual spaces where learners can collaborate on projects and engage in individual work.

  • Community Events: Curate and manage events led by community facilitators to foster a sense of belonging and growth.


Managing Learners

With V-ID, managing learners has never been easier:

  1. Create learner profiles with essential information such as names, contact details, and educational backgrounds.

  2. Track learner progress, achievements, and attendance to ensure personalized support.

  3. Provide feedback and facilitate communication between learners and educators.

Hubs for Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of modern education:

  1. Establish virtual hubs for learners to collaborate, share ideas, and work together on projects.

  2. Manage hub memberships and track the activity of each group.

  3. Encourage innovation and engagement through online discussions and resources.

Community Events

Empower your community with exciting events:

  1. Let community facilitators organize and manage events that align with your institution's vision.

  2. Promote events to learners and encourage participation.

  3. Gather feedback and insights to continuously improve your institution's offerings.


We believe in the power of collaboration. If you have ideas, improvements, or magical enhancements in mind, feel free to create a pull request. Together, we can create an even more powerful V-ID system.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for details.

The Virtual ID system is your compass for progressive education. With V-ID, your learners will thrive, your hubs will buzz with creativity, and your community will flourish. Welcome to the future of learning! 📚✨