Developer manual
WhatsApp Messenger allows to mass broadcast whatsapp message to predefined groups of users.
Requirements and components
WhatsApp Messenger is built using:
- Cron - cronjob.php is script run every minute. It's responsible for sending messages to whatsapp server
- MySQL - stores data (except attachements)
- PHP - 5.3.2+
PHP Packages
WhatsApp uses following PHP dependencies:
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
Used features:
- Routing
- Authentication
- Error handling
Twig is a modern template engine for PHP
WhatsAPI is an opensource library developed by Max Kovaljov. It's allows communication Whatsapp servers which include registration, message sending and receiving
Files layout
There are following directories
- /img, /css, /js - program assets
- /logs - log dir, should be writable
- /upload - attachments dir (for multimedia files), should be writable
- /src - PHP sources
- /tmpl - Twig templates
- /vendor - PHP dependecies
- /index.php - main file
- /config.php - config file
There are two namespaces used by program:
- GitGis::Auth - authentication functions
- GitGis::Whatsapp - main program functions