Social Media Post Generator

This application allows users to generate social media posts using OpenAI's API and save them to a Google Spreadsheet. It's built with Next.js 14 app router and TypeScript.


  • Generate social media posts using OpenAI's API
  • Save generated posts to a Google Spreadsheet
  • The Generated posts are saved to the Google Spreadsheet only when the user clicks on the save button.
  • User can copy the generated post to the clipboard by clicking on the copy button.
  • Retrieve and display saved posts (Bonus feature)
  • Error handling and user feedback for API requests (Bonus feature)
  • Responsive design
  • Toast notifications for user feedback

Google Spreadsheet

You can view and edit the Google Spreadsheet used for storing posts here.

Code Walkthrough

Here's a brief overview of the folder structure:

  • app/: Contains the main pages and API routes.

    • page.tsx: The home page with the post generation interface.
    • posts/page.tsx: Displays retrieved posts (Bonus feature).
    • api/: Contains API route handlers.
      • chat/route.ts: Handles post generation using OpenAI API.
      • sheet/route.ts: POST handler Manages saving posts to Google Sheets.
      • sheet/route.ts: GET handler Retrieves posts from Google Sheets (Bonus feature).
  • components/: Contains reusable React components.

    • ChatForm.tsx: The form for entering prompts.
    • header.tsx: The header component.
    • HowToSteps.tsx: The steps for generating posts.
    • PostCard.tsx: Displays a single post.
    • sidebar.tsx: The sidebar component.
    • message-item.tsx: Displays chat messages.
    • WelcomeSection.tsx: The welcome section in chat.
    • ui/ : Contains UI components.
  • lib/: Contains utility functions and server actions.

    • utils.ts: Utility functions used across the application.
    • /actions/actions.ts : Contains Next.js Server actions .
  • public/: Stores static assets.


This application is deployed using Vercel. You can access it at

Deployment Instructions

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Sign up for a Vercel account if you haven't already.
  3. Create a new project in Vercel and import your forked repository.
  4. Set up the following environment variables in your Vercel project settings:
    • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key
    • GOOGLE_SHEETS_PRIVATE_KEY: Your Google service account private key
    • GOOGLE_SHEETS_CLIENT_EMAIL: Your Google service account email
    • GOOGLE_SHEETS_SPREADSHEET_ID: Your Google Spreadsheet ID
  5. Deploy the project.

Local Development

  1. Clone the repository:
    • git clone
    • cd moondev
  2. Install dependencies:
    • pnpm install
  3. Set up the following environment variables in a .env.local file:
    • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key
    • GOOGLE_SHEETS_PRIVATE_KEY: Your Google service account private key
    • GOOGLE_SHEETS_CLIENT_EMAIL: Your Google service account email
    • GOOGLE_SHEETS_SPREADSHEET_ID: Your Google Spreadsheet ID
  4. Run the development server:
    • pnpm run dev
  5. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Bonus Tasks Completed

  1. Implemented retrieval and display of generated posts from the Google Spreadsheet.
  2. Added error handling and user feedback for API requests.


The API keys used in this project are for development purposes only. In a production environment, these should be kept secure and not exposed in the client-side code.