
WWDC 2021 Swift Challenge Submission Playground. Neural Network made from scratch using Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift


WWDC 2021 Swift Challenge Submission Playground. Neural Network made from scratch using Swift.

The main focus of this playground is to help learn and visualize the working of a basic neural network. From defining a basic neuron to plotting the results on a graph, all the steps of a Deep learning model are programmed from Scratch:

  1. Click on the Get started button to start the playground.
  2. Then the Dataset View Controller is showcased which displays sample dataset that will be used for training the neural network.
  3. Next step involves training of the neural network. The neural network used here has 4 inputs and a hidden layer of 5 neurons and an output layer for 3 classes.
  4. The results of the training process are presented on the next view controller.
  5. After that the user can input Double values in text field in order to output the class predicted by the neural network.

Demo Video



Getting Started Dataset Training Training Complete Metrics Prediction