Docker Information

Installation on Linux (debian)

$ sudo apt-get install
$ sudo systemctl status docker.service
$ sudo groupadd docker
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
$ newgrp docker
$ docker version
$ sudo apt-get install docker-compose
$ docker-compose version

Check Version

  • print out full details of docker server and clients: $ docker version
  • print out only docker server version: $ docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}'

Container Management Commands


  • show a list of running containers : $ docker ps or $ docker container ls
  • show a list of all containers : $ docker ps -a or $ docker ps --all or $ docker container ls -a


  • create a new container from an image : $ docker create IMAGE


  • start a container after create : $ docker start -a ID
  • start a stopped container : $ docker start ContainerID or $ docker start ContainerName


  • start a new container from an image : $ docker run Image
  • start a new container from an image and change default commands : $ docker run Image Commands
  • start a new container from an image and assign it a name : $ docker run --name Name Image
  • start a new container from an image and run in the background : $ docker run -d Image
  • start a new container from an image and map all ports : $ docker run -p HostPort:DockerPort Image
  • start a new container from an image and removes a container after it exits : $ docker run --rm Image

Pause / Unpause / Wait

  • suspends all processes in the specified containers : $ docker pause ContainerID or $ docker pause ContainerName
  • un-suspends all processes in the specified containers : $ docker unpause ContainerID or $ docker unpause ContainerName
  • block until one or more containers stop and then print their exit codes : $ docker wait ContainerID or $ docker wait ContainerName

Stop / Kill

  • stop a running container : $ docker stop ContainerID or $ docker stop ContainerName
  • kill a running container : $ docker kill ContainerID or $ docker stop ContainerName


  • restart a container : $ docker restart ContainerID or docker start ContainerName


  • delete a container : $ docker rm ContainerID or docker rm ContainerName
  • delete a running container : $ docker rm -f ContainerID or docker rm -f ContainerName
  • delete stopped containers : $ docker container prune


  • rename a container : $ docker rename ContainerName NewContainerName


  • update the configuration of one or more containers : $ docker update ContainerName


  • attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container : $ docker attach ContainerID or $ docker attach ContainerName


  • show the container output (stdout & stderror) : $ docker logs ContainerID or $ docker logs ContainerName
  • show low level information on the container : $ docker inspect ContainerID or $ docker inspect ContainerName
  • list the process running inside the container : $ docker top ContainerID or $ docker top ContainerName
  • to get real-time events from the server : $ docker events
  • list port mappings or a specific mapping for the container : $ docker port ContainerID or $ docker port ContainerName
  • display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics : $ docker stats
  • inspect changes to files or directories on a container’s filesystem : $ docker diff ContainerID or $ docker diff ContainerName