
Learn to design and deploy infrastructure as code, build and monitor CI/CD pipelines for different deployment strategies, and deploy scaleable microservices using Kubernetes.

Primary LanguagePython

Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree

N.B.: Please don't use the assignment and quiz solution. Try to solve the problem by yourself.

Learn to design and deploy infrastructure as code, build and monitor CI/CD pipelines for different deployment strategies, and deploy scaleable microservices using Kubernetes. At the end of the program, you’ll combine your new skills by completing a capstone project. - Source

Core Curriculum

1. Welcome to the Nanodegree Program

Lesson-1: Get Help with Your Account

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1 FAQ Udacity support, General question ------/------
2 Support Udacity help center for the course ------/------

Lesson-2: Welcome to Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Program

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1 Nanodegree Introduction Importance of cloud service and the nanodegree ------/------
2 What you will build Project portfolio, Project details ------/------
3 Pre-requisites Pre-requisites elements - programming, scripting & version controlling ------/------
4 AWS Setup Instructions AWS account setup & credits ------/------

Lesson-3: Introduction to Cloud DevOps

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1 Meet Your Instructors Kesha Williams, Carlos Rivas, Noah Gift ------/------
2 Introduction Lesson objective ------/------
3 Support for DevOps Adoption Answer about adoption the cloud servic ------/------
4 All In vs Baby Steps Interview - Question & Answer ------/------
5 Change Model (ELSA) Event, Language, Structure and Agency ------/------
6 Success Predictors Interview - Question & Answer ------/------
7 Coming from Grassroots _1 Interview - Question & Answer, Suggestion ------/------
8 From Management_1 Interview - Question & Answer ------/------
9 The Start Interview - Question & Answer ------/------
10 Working with Strong Hierarchy_1 Interview - Question & Answer ------/------
11 Dealing with Silos Dealing with other team members ------/------
12 Best Practices Postive thinking, Checklist ------/------
13 Metrics_1 Goal, Effective work, Mesearing the result ------/------
14 Antipattern Hiring a DevOps Team How can i help ------/------

2. Cloud Fundamentals

Lesson-1: Cloud Computing

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1 Course Introduction Cloud benefits, Course content ------/------
2 Instructor Introduction Kesha Williams ------/------
3 Lesson Introduction Cloud provider - AWS ------/------
4 What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing defination & characteristics [32]
5 Types of Cloud Computing IaaS, PaaS, SaaS [33]
6 Cloud Computing Deployment Model Public, Private & Hybrid cloud ------/------
7 Common Benefits Benefits of cloud service ------/------
8 Options Popular cloud providers ------/------
9 Services Cloud based products [34]
10 Global Infrastructure Region, Availability zone, Edge location [35 - 36]
11 Shared Responsibility Model AWS is responsible for security OF the cloud, we are responsible for security IN the cloud [37]
12 Lab: Setup free-tier account AWS free-tier account setup ------/------
13 Lesson Recap Lesson Summary ------/------

Lesson-2: Foundational & Compute Service

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1 Lesson Introduction Why cloud use? ------/------
2 Why do we need servers in the cloud? Local data center transfer to cloud, Cloud features ------/------
3 Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Elastic server, EC2 benefits [38]
4 Demo - Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) EC2 demo on AWS console, Types of EC2 ------/------
5 Elastic Block Store (EBS) EBS defination, Tips of EBS [39]
6 Demo - Elastic Block Store (EBS) EBS location on EC2 ------/------
7 Why do we need security in the cloud for our servers? To create secure access in the network ------/------
8 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) VPC details and tips [40 - 42]
9 Demo - Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) VPC demo on AWS console ------/------
10 Lab - Launch an EC2 instance Access VPC service, Launch an EC2 instance, Attach an EBS volume ------/------
11 Why do we need compute power in the cloud? Run code, No provisioning, Automatically scales, High availability ------/------
12 Lambda AWS serverless service, Language support in Lambda [43]
13 Demo - Lambda Lambda demo on AWS console with Node.js ------/------
14 Lab - Create and execute a Lambda Excercise on Lambda ------/------
15 Elastic Beanstalk Orchestration service, Tips of Elastic Beanstalk [44 - 45]
16 Lab - Deploy App to Beanstalk Excercise Beanstalk on AWS console ------/------
17 Lesson Recap EC2, VPC, Lambda, Beanstalk ------/------

Lesson-3: Storage & Content Delivery

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1 Lesson Introduction Storage, Database, CDN ------/------
2 Why do we need storage in the cloud? Availability, Durability, Scalability (Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal) ------/------
3 S3 & Glacier S3 services, S3 classes, Archiving [46 - 49]
4 Demo - S3 & Glacier S3 bucket create, Versioning, Policy, Web hosting ------/------
5 DynamoDB NoSQL, JSON format, Key-value, Used in mission critical system [50 - 51]
6 Demo - DynamoDB DynamoDB demo on AWS console ------/------
7 Lab - DynamoDB Table Name, Primary Key ------/------
8 Relational Database Service (RDS) Supported engine, RDS features [52 - 54]
9 Demo - Relational Database Service (RDS) RDS demo on AWS console ------/------
10 RedShift Big data, ETL, BI, Fast query analysis [55 - 56]
11 Lab - RDS Run code, No provisioning, Automatically scales, High availability ------/------
12 Why do we need content delivery in the cloud? Speeds up delivery, Web pages, Cached, Reduces latency ------/------
13 Cloud Front Cached, Edge location [57 - 58]
14 Demo - Cloud Front Cloudfront demo on AWS console ------/------
15 Lab - S3 & Cloud Front S3 bucket create and Using CDN service ------/------
16 Lesson Recap S3, DynamoDB, RDS, RedShift, CDN ------/------

Lesson-4: Security

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1 Lesson Introduction Security services, Protect data on the cloud ------/------
2 Why do we need security for applications? Reduce hacking, Protect personal information & applications ------/------
3 AWS Shield DDos protection, Detect malicious traffic [59]
4 AWS Web Application Firewall Web protection, Incoming & Outcoming, SQL injection [60]
5 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Global service, MFA, User, IAM role & group, Policy [61 - 62]
6 Demo - Identity and Access Management (IAM) IAM demo on AWS console ------/------
7 Lab - IAM Excercise on IAM ------/------
8 Lesson Recap Security in the cloud, Sheild, WAF, IAM ------/------

Lesson-5: Networking & Elasticity

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1 Lesson Introduction Network connectivity, Route internet traffic, Inbound & Outbound ------/------
2 Why do we need networking in the cloud? Delivery of content and applications, Foundation of infrastructure ------/------
3 Route 53 AWS DNS service [63]
4 Why do we need elasticity in the cloud? Stop guessing about capacity, Scale up & down ------/------
5 EC2 Auto Scaling Automatically control, Monitoring [64 - 65]
6 Demo - EC2 Auto Scaling Auto scalling demo on AWS console ------/------
7 Elastic Load Balancing Blancing the loads, Redundancy and performance [66]
8 Demo - Elastic Load Balancing Security in the cloud, Sheild, WAF, IAM ------/------
9 Lab - EC2 Auto Scaling Excercise on EC2 Auto scalling ------/------
10 Lesson Recap AWS network services ------/------

Lesson-6: Messaging & Containers

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1 Lesson Introduction Notification or alert services on AWS ------/------
2 Why do we need messaging in the cloud? To notify the clients ------/------
3 Simple Notification Service (SNS) Used for large number of subscribers, Publish/subscribe model [67 - 68]
4 Demo - Simple Notification Service (SNS) SNS service demo on AWS console ------/------
5 Why do we need queuing technology? FIFO, Asynchronous processing ------/------
6 Simple Queue Service (SQS) Send messages, Store messages, Receive messages [69 - 70]
7 Demo - Simple Queue Service SQS service demo on AWS console ------/------
8 Lab - SNS Excercise on SNS service ------/------
9 Why do we need containers? All bundled into one package, Independent component [71 - 72]
10 Elastic Container Service (ECS) Orchestration service, Only supported Docker in AWS [73 - 74]
11 Demo - Elastic Container Service ECS service demon on AWS console ------/------
12 Lesson Recap Notification services as - SNS & SQS, Container service ------/------

Lesson-7: AWS Management

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1 Introduction Efficently uses the AWS management services ------/------
2 Why do we need logging and auditing in the cloud? Server performance, Load on the server, Root cause ------/------
3 Cloud Trail Audit the AWS account, Provide log file [75]
4 Demo - Cloud Trail Cloud trail demo on AWS console ------/------
5 Cloud Watch Monitors resources and applications [76 - 77]
6 Demo - Cloud Watch Cloud watch demo on AWS console ------/------
7 Lab - Cloud Watch Cloud watch excercise ------/------
8 What is Infrastructure as Code and why do we need it? Used script programe, Time-saving [78]
9 Cloud Formation AWS IaaS, JSON or YAML, CloudForamtion stack [79 - 80]
10 Demo - Cloud Formation Cloud formation demo on AWS console ------/------
11 Lab - Cloud Formation Cloud formation excercise ------/------
12 AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Access and control services, Command Line [81]
13 Demo - AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) CLI for EC2, SNS, SQS, S3 ------/------
14 Lesson Recap Cloud watch, Cloud trail ------/------
15 Course Recap Storage, Database, Security, Networking, Elasticity, Messages, Queue, Container ------/------

3. Deploy Infrastructure as Code

Lesson-1: Getting Started with CloudFormation

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1 Introduction IaaS description ------/------
2 Course Overview Setup, Diagrams, Code - Network, Secruity, Storage ------/------
3 What is DevOps Development and Operations ------/------
4 Why you need DevOps Software and hardware mismatch, Configuration drift ------/------
5 What are the benefits of Cloud DevOps? Predictable deployments using automated scripts, CI/CD, IaaC [82 - 84]
6 Set up Tools CloudFormation, VCS, Visual studio code, JSON, YAML ------/------
7 Creating Access Key ID for IAM User Programmatic Access, Administrator Access ------/------
8 Configuring AWS CLI AWS CLI install, CLI basic command, CLI configure [85]
9 Adding Additional Keys Access key - active / inactive, Add access key ------/------
10 Understanding CloudFormation Declarative languages, Handles resource dependencies [86 - 87]
11 Getting Started With CloudFormation Script CloudFormation script - Name, Type, Properties, Stack [88]
12 Testing CloudFormation Create stack, update stack, Shell script for update-create ------/------
13 Creating a VPC: Manually vs Automated Limitation of cloudformation code ------/------
14 Configuring AWS API User API user, Programmatic access, Roles, CLI ------/------
15 Automating with CloudFormation Create stack, Stack ID ------/------
16 Verifying in console Status check in CloudForamtion console ------/------
17 Conclusion CLI tool, Scripts, IaaC, Automation, IAM user [89]

Lesson-2: Infrastructure Diagrams

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1 Introduction Diagrams, Visual representation, Luchidchart [90 - 91]
2 Generalizing to other cloud providers AWS, Azure, GCP, Reference architect, Common Name ------/------
3 Setting up Lucidcharts Luchidchar, Visio, Cloudcraft ------/------
4 Exercise: Setting Up Lucid Charts Setting up luchidcart account ------/------
5 Diagramming AWS Accounts and Regions Cloud Containe, Region, Cloud users [92]
6 Exercise: Diagramming AWS accounts & regions AWS cloud container, AWS general users, Rename users shapes ------/------
7 Diagramming Availability Zones Single point of failure, Multiple availability zones ------/------
8 Exercise: Diagramming Availability Zones Availability zones shape into container ------/------
9 Virtual Private Cloud Private IP address, CIDR block range [93 - 94]
10 Exercise: Virtual Private Cloud VPC container shape, VPC subnet shapes ------/------
11 Public vs Private Subnets Routing table, Security, Useness of Public or Private subnets ------/------
12 Exercise: Public vs Private Subnets Private VPC subnet, Add shapes and rename of private VPC subnets ------/------
13 IGW Internet Gateway Software Defined Networking, VPN, DirectConnect [95]
14 Exercise: IGW Internet Gateway VPC internet gatway shape ------/------
15 Network Address Translation Translate public traffic into private traffic [96]
16 Exercise: NAT's VPC NAT gateway shapes ------/------
17 Autoscaling groups Automatically start or stop the servers [97]
18 Exercise: Autoscaling Groups AWS EC2 instance shape, Autoscaling shape ------/------
19 Load Balancers Distribute the requests, Single URL [98 - 100]
20 Exercise: Load Balancers Application load balancer shape ------/------
21 Security Groups Manage traffic at the server level [101]
22 Exercise: Security Groups AWS security group shape ------/------
23 Routing Table Route table configure [102]
24 Exercise: Routing Table Add route table shape ------/------
25 S3 Place the S3 service outside of your VPC ------/------
26 Exercise: S3 AWS S3 bucket shape ------/------
27 Reviewing Our Diagram VPC, ELB, Scaling, NAT, EC2, Bucket, IGW, Subnet ------/------
28 Conclusion AWS & Wordpress architecture [103]

Lesson-3: Networking Infrastructure

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1 Introduction Objective of the lesson, Network diagrams ------/------
2 Workflow and Helpers Create and update script for the stack ------/------
3 VPC and Internet Gateway Parameters & Resources for VPC, IGW, IGW attachement [104 - 107]
4 NAT Gateway And Subnets Public & Private subnet, NAT gateway [108 - 111]
5 Routing RouteTable, Route, SubnetRouteTableAssociation [112 - 115]
6 Outputs Outputs - VPC, VPCPublicRouteTable, VPCPrivateRouteTable, PublicSubnets, PrivateSubnets [116 - 118]
7 Conclusion Virtual Private Cloud, Subnets, Internet gateway, NAT gateway, Route table ------/------

Lesson-4: Servers and Security Groups

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1 Introduction Firewall rules, Autoscaling groups, Launch configuration, TG, Debug ------/------
2 Setting Up Our Environment Script file and Parameter file created ------/------
3 Understanding Security Groups SecurityGroupEgress -> Outbound traffic, SecurityGroupIngress -> Inbound traffic [119]
4 Security Groups Inbound & Outbound traffic security, Private server access [120]
5 Creating Autoscaling Group Scaling Policy, Launch Configuration, Load Balancer ------/------
6 Launch Configuration LaunchConfiguration -> ImageId, Instance Type [121 - 122]
7 Debugging Launch Configuration Debug the code in Autoscaling group configuration ------/------
8 Adding Target Groups and Listeners LoadBalancer, Listener, ListenerRule, TargetGroup [123 - 124]
9 Updating the Stack with the Load Balancer Load balancer and Target group ------/------
10 Debugging Our Security Group Debugging the auto scaling and target group ------/------
11 Final Review Used docker container in pipeline ------/------
12 Conclusion Firewall rules, Autoscaling groups, Launch configuration, TG, Debug ------/------

Lesson-5: Storage and Databases

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1 Introduction Relation Database Storage, Simple Storage Service ------/------
2 RDS Databases (Part One) Persisting Data, Choosing a database, Mult-AZ deployment, A single RDS Server can host multiple databases ------/------
3 RDS Databases (Part Two) Network and Security, Database Accessibility, Availability Zone (AZ), Security Groups, Encryption ------/------
4 RDS Database (Part Three) Endpoint, Performance matrix, Snapshots, Option groups ------/------
5 RDS Database (Part Four) RDS Cloudformation procedure [125]
6 S3 (Part One) Configuration files and sensitive encrypted data ------/------
7 S3 (Part Two) File copy from local to S3, Versioning, Web hosting ------/------
8 Key Points Store - config files, media or log files ------/------
9 Conclusion Keep S3 as private as possible ------/------

4. Build CI/CD Pipelines, Monitoring & Logging

Lesson-1: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

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1 Introduction Instructor background & experience ------/------
2 Course Overview Course objectives, GitHub repo, Project overview, Lesson objectives ------/------
3 Interview: Career Skills Instructor Olin Wread's career experiences ------/------
4 Jenkins Intro Jenkins, Jenkins Pipeline, Jenkinsfile (Declarative and Scripted) [126 - 129]
5 AWS Setup Creat customize policy, group, user ------/------
6 IAM and EC2 Setup Policy, Group, User, Console login, EC2 lanuch with 8080 port, EC2 stop/image [130 - 131]
7 AWS Setup Quiz IAM, AWS Billing for free tier ------/------
8 Installing Jenkins Install Jenkins on Ubuntu, Logging into Jenkins using GUI [132]
9 Install Blue Ocean Plugin into Jenkins Jenkins Plugins, Blue Ocean Plugin, Configure Jenkins for Enterprise Authentication with LDAP [133 - 134]
10 Jenkins Quiz Language of Jenkins written - Java, Jenkinsfile ------/------
11 What is CI/CD and a Pipeline? Background - DevOps, CI/CD, CI/CD pipeline ------/------
12 Pipelines Is a set of tools and processes to automate the CI/CD ------/------
13 Review and Practice Exercises Key Skills and Concepts from CI / CD Lesson ------/------

Lesson-2: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Strategies

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1 Install AWS Plugin into Jenkins "Pipeline: AWS Steps" pluging install in jenkins ------/------
2 Intro to Blue Ocean Basic description of Blue ocean [135]
3 Adding a Repo to a Pipeline Create a blue ocean pipeline using GitHub [136]
4 Multiple Pipelines Multiple Pipelines in Blue Ocean, Multi-Pipeline Summary [137 - 138]
5 Pipeline Triggers Setting up a trigger, Pipeline Triggers Walkthrough ------/------
6 Pipeline Testing tid install, index.html bug fix, Remove security scan in Jenkinfile and change region & bucket name ------/------
7 Security Testing with Aqua Aqua MicroScanner token setup, Aqua MicroScanner plugin install, Docker install [139 - 144]
8 Deployment Strategies Deployment Strategies, Blue Green Deployment & Strategy, Blue/Green Deployment IAM Policy ------/------
9 Deployment Big Picture Never used manual changes ------/------
10 Deployment Practice Summary of the lesson, Practice exercise ------/------

Lesson-3: Ansible and Configuration Management

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1 Ansible Intro Configuration management language, Leverages YAML & JSON, Agent-less language, Written in Python, Ruby and Powershell [145 - 146]
2 Templates Ansible Templates, Apply Template ------/------
3 Services Systemd, Service start-stop-enable-disable ------/------
4 Conditionals Conditionals Register, Built-in Ansible Variables, Built-in fact os_family ------/------
5 Roles A collection task bundled together ------/------
6 Running Ansible Playbooks, Running Ansible Playbook with Inventory, Creating an ansible inventory file ------/------
7 Ansible Review & Quiz Ansible Review [148 - 152]
8 Ansible Practice Practice Exercise on Ansible ------/------

Lesson-4: Monitoring

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1 Monitoring Intro Monitoring necessity, Lesson objective ------/------
2 Monitoring Using Prometheus Install Ansible & tox, Clone Ansible-prometheus, Setup role, Create main.yaml & inventory file, Run playbook, Install node exporter and configure [153]
3 Prometheus Quiz HTTP protocol is used for Prometheus monitoring ------/------
4 Grafana Install and Configure Grafana for Prometheus, Allow 3000 port, Create data sources ------/------
5 Monitoring and ELK Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana ------/------
6 Installing ELK Services ELK Stack Quickstart, Elasticsearch Installation, Install and Configure Kibana, Install and Configure Logstash ------/------
7 Monitoring Review & Practice Pro Tips on Using the ELK Stack, Practice Exercise [154]

5. Microservices at Scale using AWS & Kubernetes

Lesson-1: Deploy an Event-Driven Microservice

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1 Functions as a Service (FaaS) AWS Lambda, SQS Queue, MXNet and Lambda [155 - 157]
2 A Model for Serverless Used frameworks, platforms, tools, Events & actions [158]
3 Lesson Outline Request-Response method, HTTP request [159]
4 Benefits of FaaS Benefits of FaaS, Reason of using FaaS ------/------
5 Cloud-Native Advantages of cloud native, Moore's Law [160 - 161]
6 Characteristics of Cloud-Native Systems Microservice oriented, Elastic, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Agility, Composable, Pros, Cons, Fault Tolerance ------/------
7 AWS Account & Resources Setup AWS account and Cloud9 [162 - 164]
8 Cloud9 Environment Create environment in AWS Cloud9 ------/------
9 Lambda Functions Hello world (Python) lambda function ------/------
10 Deploying and Testing Deploying & testing the lambda function, Ways of trigger a Lambda function ------/------
11 Tutorial: Making Change Testing an AWS Lambda Function in Cloud9 [165]
12 Event-Handling API Gateway trigger with Cloud9 and Lambda function [166]
13 Events & Response Events & Response, Trigger content, Web request status ------/------
14 Create a Test Check the lambda function with test case ------/------
15 Deploy & Use API Gateway API Gateway trigger, Deployment created an HTTP URL, Python requests library ------/------
16 Creating a Virtual Environment Creating a Virtual Environment, Setting Up and Using Virtualenv, Using a Repeatable Convention to Create Virtual Environments [167]
17 Exercise: Wikipedia Wikipedia excercise ------/------
18 Exercise Code Complete the code wikipedia excercise ------/------
19 Wikipedia Example Wikipedia excercise solution ------/------
20 Test & Response Test & deploy in lambda function ------/------
21 Summary Microservice, FaaS, AWS Lambda, Cloud-Native Applications, SQS, Serverless, Moore's Law, AWS Cloud9, Python Env ------/------

Lesson-2: Using Docker Format Containers

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1 Docker Containers Docker Desktop, Docker Hub, Shares Local Project, Docker Containers vs Virtual Machines (Size, Speed, Composability) [168 - 169]
2 Exercise: Setting Up a Local Environment Setting Up a Local Environment (pylint, black, pytest, ipython) ------/------
3 Makefiles Makefile description and process [170 - 172]
4 Exercise: Create A Basic Makefile Create a basic Makefile [173]
5 Install Docker Create docker account, Install docker desktop [174 - 176]
6 Linting and CircleCI Linting and CircleCI, Docker, Makefile ------/------
7 Running Dockerfiles Docker Base image workflow, Dockerfile, Cheat sheet ------/------
8 Exercise: Deploying to Amazon ECR Deploying to Amazon ECR [177]
9 Summary Container, Virtual Machine, Docker Format Container, Makefile, CircleCI, Docker, Amazon ECR, Python Library ------/------

Lesson-3: Containerization of an Existing Application

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1 Exercise: Docker Based Apps Docker-based Apps, Containerization ------/------
2 Install Packages Install Packages, Setting Up Cloud9 (Makefile, requirements), CircleCI setup & build ------/------
3 Copying an Application Copying an Application and Dockerfile ------/------
4 App Setup Exposing the port for the application [178]
5 App Start Common Issues Running a Container [179 - 182]
6 Exercise: Build and Deploy Build the container and check out the deployed app [183]
7 Exercise: Containerize an App Exercise on Containerize an App ------/------
8 Summary Swagger, Data Engineering, Ports, JSON ------/------

Lesson-4: Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

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1 Install Kubernetes Install Kubernetes setup on desktop, Mac, Docker, GCP [184 - 187]
2 Overview of Kubernetes Overview of Kubernetes, Benefits of using Kubernetes, Kubernetes (Cluster) Architecture, Set Up a Kubernetes Cluster [185 - 197]
3 Monitoring, Logging and Debugging with Kubernetes Monitoring, Logging and Debugging with Kubernetes, Prometheus [198 - 199]
4 Exercise: Prometheus Monitoring Getting Started with Prometheus, Alerting Theory [200]
5 Exercise: Logging Getting the logs from a running pod ------/------
6 Exercise: Debugging Debugging with an example app to build with Kubernetes ------/------
7 Auto Scaling with CPU or Memory Autoscaling with CPU or Memory, HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler) [201 - 204]
8 [Placeholder] Exercise: Autoscaling Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Exercise ------/------
9 Summary Kubernetes, Amazon EKS, Google GKE, Azure Kubernetes Service AKS, Kubernetes - Pods, Containers, Clusters, Prometheus ------/------

Lesson-5: Operationalizing Microservices

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1 Alerts and Incidents Response Operationalizing a Microservice Overview, Creating Effective Alerts [205 - 208]
2 Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery, Five Pillars of a Well Architected Serverless System [209 - 210]
3 CI/CD Pipeline Integration CI/CD Pipeline Integration [211]
4 Exercise: CircleCI Excercise on CircleCI [212]
5 Load Testing Load test a sample app with Locust ------/------
6 Exercise: Locust Load Testing Exercise on Locust Load Testing [213 - 214]
7 Summary Alerts, Operationalization, Metrics, Disaster recovery, Migrate, Continuous Integration-Delivery, Load Testing ------/------
8 Course Wrap Up Cloud native, Cloud9, Docker, CircleCI, AWS ECR, Kubernetes, Locust, GitOps ------/------


1. Prerequisite: Networking

Lesson-1: Networking

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1 Interview Security, Goal, Categories of security ------/------
2 Lesson Map & Learning Objectives Lesson path and objecive ------/------
3 Network Communication Model Components of Networking - Medium, Addressing & Content ------/------
4 Addressing IPv4 - 32 bits, limitation [1 - 3]
5 Addressing and Networks Network prefix, Host address, 253 unique host address for /24, CIDR [4 - 10]
6 OSI Model Layer of OSI model [11 - 14]
7 Switching Local area network trafic [15 - 16]
8 Frame Structure Ethernet packet & frame [17 - 18]
9 Switching At Scale Trunk link, switch port, router ------/------
10 Virtual LANs Virtual LANs useness ------/------
11 Routing Router, Routing tables, Private IP address, NAT, IPv6 [19 - 22]
12 Wireshark Network packet analyzer - wireshark [23 - 25]
13 Domain Name System FQDN, TLD, Hostname, Domain, DNS [26 - 27]
14 Types of DNS Records Local cache, DNS record types [28]
15 DNS Hierarchy Root servers, TLD, Sub-domain, hostname, IP address [29 - 30]
16 Load Balancing Load Balancing necessity ------/------
17 Load Balancing Approaches Round robic, BGP anycast, Policy-based, Dedicated [31]
18 Outro Summary of the lesson ------/------
