
Primary LanguageMATLAB

  • If you haven't created a catkin_workspace, do so
cd ~
mkdir your_ws
cd your_ws
mkdir src
  • Download the packages in the src folder
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/roboespas
  • Modify .bashrc to use this workspace and set the ROS_IP and ROS_WORKSPACE env variables. Change the IP for your IP (check it using ifconfig).
export ROS_WORKSPACE=~/your_ws    #edit for your workspace
export ROS_MASTER_URI=   #edit for your IP
export ROS_IP=  #edit for your IP
  • Compile the workspace
cd src/
  • Re-generate messages (jump to 3 if you have not generate matlab messages before)
  1. Delete previously created messages. In Matlab prompt

Open javaclasspath.txt file that you are linked and delete all the content. Delete /home/user/your_ws/src/roboespas/matlab_gen folder.

  1. Restart Matlab

  2. Generate messages


Follow the instructions (add to javaclasspath.txt the files given, and add to path the folder) 4. Restart Matlab.

Torque command example

Option 1: Control iiwa_gazebo without using iiwa_command action server

This way Matlab will send joint torque values point by point.

  • Execute in a terminal: roslaunch iiwa_command iiwa_command_gazebo.launch. Although you won't use iiwa_command action server, you need to use the launcher to load config parameters.

  • In Matlab, modify the IP in the file TorqueControlExample.m (lines 6-7) inside the TorqueControlExample folder, then play the script and watch IIWA in Gazebo simulator moving.

Option 2:Control iiwa_gazebo using iiwa_command action lib

This way Matlab will send joint torque values all together as a trajectory.

  • Execute in a terminal: roslaunch iiwa_command iiwa_command_gazebo.launch.

  • In Matlab, modify the IP in the file TrajectoryTorqueControlExample.m (lines 6-7) inside the TorqueControlExample folder, then play the script and watch IIWA in Gazebo simulator moving.

Other files used

Dataset trajectories:


Extreme Learning Machine
