Interlaced Mirror


The Interlaced Mirror is built off of a very simple idea: take camera input, for every other line - show the inverse, and set the background to the original camera image. This produces an almost retro effect where, as the image is broken up to resemble both a failed attempt at creating an artifically increased framerate, as well as an image that is superimposed upon its self. Showing two videos simultainiously, the mirror is engaging as the user is encouraged to discover their own symmetry in the reflection, as well as the rules of the space.


Below you will find the original sketch where I came up with the idea. no-alt-text

The Interlaced Mirror started as an attempt to emphisize the effect of interlaceing. While slowing the frames of every other line did render an interesting effect, it wasn't engaging enough. In inverting the frame, the user is encouraged to explore - see how their movement and positioning is interpreted by the sketch. The sketch is rather simple, perhaps more simple than I would have wished, however I found that the more distortion I added to the mirror, the less useable It became. That said I do have a couple more Ideas that I might add after the fact involving color.

Below is a link to the video of the sketch running:
