This is a blog created in Python Django Framework with a focus on security.
Why don't you check it out yourself? Cyberbl0g
Visit the API page Here
Try one of the following API-keys to make a GET request to /api/secret. (Make sure you fill in the correct header value)
X-Api-Key: eeBnFVly.CbAYvNU2t7KMBOYFzRzseIjucfg3lFOv
X-Api-Key: 1WtxX4Ko.MxUP0YEY6sZr3qBFHN9mAIciN2PbBKzt
There are two types of accounts, regular users have read rights, and limited view access, however they can create comments, delete their own comments and remove their own user account. Administrator accounts are created by running:
python createsuperuser
Administrator accounts can access the /admin page and have full access to all CRUD-operations & Resources (Posts, User, Comments, SocialAuth, ...)
Install atleast Python 3.9 & pip 20.2
Make a .env file inside of django-blog/djangoblog:
export SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTH0_DOMAIN = "<Auth0-Domain>"
export SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTH0_KEY = "<Auth0-Key>"
export SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTH0_SECRET = "<Auth0-Secret>"
export YOUR_API_IDENTIFIER = "<Auth0-Public-Api>"
export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY = "<django-secret>"
export DB_NAME = "<local-db-name>"
export DB_USER = "<local-db-user>"
export DB_PASSWORD = "<local-db-password>"
First create a virtual environment
python -m venv env
On Windows
Install python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run server locally
python runserver
Migrate changes to postgreSQL (Make sure you are running a Server Locally)
python makemigrations
python migrate
Create an account on Auth0 and configure your .env
Set up a cloud hosting service for free on Heroku.
Download HerokuCLI add your app and push your repository to Heroku.
heroku git:remote -a <your-heroku-git>
git push heroku master
To update static folder
heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
heroku python collectstatic