
Vim styled console music player

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Branch Build Coverage
master Build Status codecov
devel Build Status codecov


Commands list

command action
:add_bookmark <path> create a bookmark for a <path>
:add_to_playlist <path> add file(s) from <path>
:change_dir <path> change dir in the file browser dir to <path>
:clear_playlist clear the playlist
:e alias for add_to_playlist
:error <string> print an error
:get <key> read the value for the <key>
:info <string> print an info
:load_playlist <path> load playlist file from <path>
:next play next track
:pause toggle pause
:prev play previous track
:quit / qa / q exit the program
:replace_playlist <path> replace playlist with the file(s) from the <path>
:save_playlist <path> save current playlist to the <path>
:seek <time>
:set <key> <value> set <key> to <value>
:stop stop current track
:switch_panes switch between file browser and playlist
:toggle_pane_view show alterative view

Key mapping

key command called
h :seek -10
l :seek +10
H :seek -60
L :seek +60
space :pause
[ :set volume -10
] :set volume +10


Configuration file should be located in the one of the following locations: ~/.config/player/config.json or ~/.config/player/config.yml. See https://github.com/Mrokkk/player/blob/master/example_config.json or https://github.com/Mrokkk/player/blob/master/example_config.yml for examples.