
Library to retrieve information about storage.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


How to use?

Simple, just import useStorageInformation function from react-storage-information and call it in component like this:

const { used, total, ready, error } = useStorageInformation();

How it works?

After initial call hook will return simple object - { ready: false }.

After some time properties will be updated. Their values will depend on StorageManager existence is browser.

If StorageManager exists in navigator hook will return object with type HookReturnType. Example response:

    ready: true,
    available: {
        megabytes: '111616.63MB',
        percentage: '99.99%',
        raw: 117038514176,
        readable: '111.62GB',
    total: {
        megabytes: '111630.10MB',
        percentage: '10000.00%',
        raw: 117052647363,
        readable: '111.63GB',
    used: {
        megabytes: '13.48MB',
        percentage: '0.01%',
        raw: 14133187,
        readable: '13.48MB',
    native: {
      quota: 117052647363,
      usage: 14133187,

If StorageManager is not available, hook will return:

    ready: false,
    error: 'Not supported.


You can pass those options to hook:

  • notSupportedMessage: string, default = 'Not supported' - will be used in error property when StorageManager is not available
  • units: UnitsType, default = { gigabytes: 'GB', megabytes: 'MB', percentage: '%' } - will be used during formated properties creation

Supported browsers

Because hook relies on StorageManager API. Current support is a little bit poor, check it here.

Currently situation looks like this:

  • Firefox >= 57
  • Firefox Android - not supported
  • Firefox Preview >= 2
  • Chrome >= 48
  • Chrome Android >= 79
  • Chrome iOS >= not supported
  • Opera >= 64
  • Opera Android >= 48
  • Opera >= 68
  • Opera Android >= 46
  • Safari - not supported
  • Safari iOS - not supported
  • IE - not supported
  • Edge - not supported
  • Edge >= 79
  • Samsung Browser >= 5


  • react >= 16.9.0