
An list queue is an implementation of a FIFO queue. The constructor creates a new empty queue. The queue should not permit null elements. The appropriate methods with throw NullPointerExceptions if a null element would be added to the stack. An IllegalStateException should be thrown when trying to remove an element from an empty queue.

Complete the code for ListQueue using a Java ArrayList. Do not modify method signatures. Give Liskov-style specifications (REQUIRES, MODIFIES, and EFFECTS) for all methods and implementall the methods. The reverse method reverses the elements of the queue. The append method removes all of the elements from the specififed queue from first to last and appends them to the end of the current queue. swapFront swaps the specified element with the element at the front of the queue.

public class ListQueue<E> {
    public ListQueue() { ... }
    public void enqueue(E element) { ... }
    public E dequeue() throws ... { ... }
    public int length() { ... }
    public void reverse() { ... }
    public void append(ListQueue<E> s) { ... }
    public E swapFront(E element) throws ... { ... }