
This project consists of a responsive registration form built using HTML and styled with CSS.

Primary LanguageHTML


This project consists of a responsive registration form built using HTML and styled with CSS.


The registration form includes fields for personal information, account type selection, file upload, and additional details such as age, referrer source, and a bio. The form incorporates client-side validation for required fields and a password pattern check. The project is designed with a modern and visually appealing user interface. I created this project during the training section of the freeCodeCamp.org course by solving problems. It is one of the best-guided courses I have ever encountered. They teach us through problem-solving and project development, granting permission to add the projects to our GitHub and LinkedIn profiles. It's truly a blessing for beginner developers.

How to Use:

Clone or download the repository to your local machine. Open the "index.html" file in a web browser to view the registration form. Fill out the form with the required information. Click the "Submit" button to proceed with the registration.