
This is a portfolio website created using HTML and CSS. This portfolio is a showcase of my work as a web developer.

Primary LanguageCSS



This is a portfolio website created using HTML and CSS. This portfolio is a showcase of my work as a web developer. It includes examples of my design, development skills, and projects I have worked on. Feel free to explore and get in touch for any collaborations or inquiries.




To run this project, you will need to have NodeJS installed on your computer.

  1. Setting Up the Project:

    • Check the index.html file for the basic structure of the project.
  2. Adding Styles:

    • Modify the style.css file to customize the project's appearance.
    • Refer to the index.html file for class names and IDs to style elements.
  3. Linking External Resources:

    • Add links to external resources like fonts by referencing the Free Fonts on https://fontawesome.com/start,https://fonts.google.com/ . -Material+Icons [[text](https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons)]


Provide instructions on how to use the project or any specific features. Include code snippets if necessary.


For any issues or questions, please contact [Your Contact Information].