
A static blog build on top of Notion and NextJS, deployed on Vercel.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A static blog build on top of Notion and Nextjs, deployed on Vercel.

Demo: https://nobelium.vercel.app/


Quick Start

  • Star this repo 😉
  • Duplicate this Notion template, and share it to the public
  • Fork this project
  • Customize blog.config.js
  • (Optional) Replace favicon.svg, and favicon.ico in /public folder with your own
  • Deploy on Vercel, set following environment variables:
    • NOTION_PAGE_ID (Required): The ID of the Notion page you previously shared to the web, usually has 32 digits after your workspace address
    • NOTION_ACCESS_TOKEN (Optional, not recommended): If you decide not to share your database, you can use token to let Nobelium grab data from Notion database. You can find it in your browser cookies called token_v2
      • Keep in mind Notion token is only valid for 180 days, make sure to update manually in vercel dashboard, we probably switch to Official API to resolve this issue in the future. Also, images in Notion database will not properly rendered
  • That's it! Easy-peasy?
Wait for a sec, what is Page ID?

Play With Docker

Unofficial, thanks to @Vaayne's work!

Build Docker image yourself

# set env
export IMAGE=nobelium:latest

# build with docker
docker build -t ${IMAGE} --build-arg NOTION_PAGE_ID .

# run with docker
docker run -d --name nobelium -p 3000:3000 -e NOTION_PAGE_ID=${NOTION_PAGE_ID} nobelium:latest

Use default docker image

# pull image
docker pull ghcr.io/craigary/nobelium:main

# run with docker
docker run -d --name nobelium -p 3000:3000 -e NOTION_PAGE_ID=${NOTION_PAGE_ID} ghcr.io/craigary/nobelium:main

Technical details

  • Generation: Next.js and Incremental Static Regeneration
  • Page render: react-notion-x
  • Style: Tailwind CSS and @tailwindcss/jit compiler
  • Comments: Gitalk, Cusdis and more


How can I change my avatar? Nobelium fetches avatars from Gravatar. You need to set your avatar there with the same email address that you defined in blog.config.js.
My posts disappear after I set up grouping in Notion database! Nobelium currently doesn’t support Notion database grouping. If you really want to manage your posts by groups, you can create views with filters instead.


The MIT License.