1. facerecognition-backend - Face recognition app (React.js) that runs with a node.js server (login, register, upload counts)
2. facerecognition-fullstack - Face recognition app (React.js) that runs with a node.js server + postgre database (login, register, upload counts)
3. express-project - HTTP server with express, nodeJS, handlebars
4. planets-project - csv-parser application to search planets
5. http-server - pure nodeJS HTTP server
6. sec-ex - security and authentication with NodeJS (passport, helmet.js, oauth 2.0)
7. nasa-project - rocket launcher controller, the client frontend was provided and I only followed the server side
8. graphql-ex - server built using Apollo and GraphQL
9. pong-sockets - pong game using sockets.io, the frontend was provided, few modifications were made