
Repository with important go packages

Primary LanguageGo


Repository with important go packages

File Handling

Package os:

  • Create: Command to create files
  • Write: Command to write data to file, for bytes[]
  • WriteString: Command to write data to file, for string
  • ReadFile: Command to read data to file
  • Open: Command to open files
  • Close: Command to close files
  • Remove: Command to remove created files

Package bufio:

  • NewReader: Command to to create a ReaderBuffer (to read the file in parts it is necessary to create a buffer: make([]byte, x))
  • Read: Command to read the file by parts. (reader.Read(buffer))

HTTP Request

Package net/http:

  • Get: Command to get type requests
  • Post: Command to post type requests
  • Handle: Command to handle routes in general
  • HandleFunc: Command to handle routes from a function
  • NewServeMux: Command to create create a route handler
  • FileServer: Command to create directory of files
  • NewRequest: Commando to create a request customizing
  • Do: Command to execute a modified request
  • Error: Command to show server-side errors

Package io:

  • ReadAll: Command for general reading
  • CopyBuffer: Command to copy a buffer to an output

Package context:

  • Backgroud: Command to create a new context in background
  • WithTimout: Command to configure time an existing context
  • cancel: Command to cancel current context
  • Done: Returns if the context has ended
  • WithValue: Command to create a new context with value
  • Value: Command to retrieve a value passed in context creation


Package encoding/json:

  • Marshal: Command to convert a strutc to json
  • NewEncoder: Command to convert a strutc to json, showing the result and or giving it to someone
  • Unmarshal: Command to convert json to struct


Package text/templete:

  • New: Command to create a new Template
  • Parse: Command to parse templates
  • ParseFiles: Command to parse multiple templates
  • Execute: Command to process the template from a data source
  • Must: Command to create and parse templates in a unified way


Package database/sql:

  • Open: Connects to the database, note: the corresponding database connection driver must be imported (github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql)
  • Prepare: Prepares the slq instruction to be executed next, command used to prevent sql inject
  • Close: Close the connection
  • Stmt.Exec: Execute prepared slq statement
  • Stmt.Query: Execute prepared slq statement, with return of a list of data
  • Stmt.QueryRow: Execute prepared slq statement, with return one line of data

Package gorm.io/gorm:

  • gorm.Open: Connects to the database, note: the corresponding database connection driver must be imported (gorm.io/driver/mysql)
  • AutoMigrate: Command to create or update a table from a struct
  • Create: Command to insert data to the database
  • First: Select the first record
  • Find: Search the records
  • Limit: Limit return to x records
  • Offset: Command to paginate the return of a query
  • Where: Add a condition to the search
  • Save: Save value changes
  • Delete: Delete a record
  • Preload: To load a model related to the search performed
  • Model: Returns the data in the structure of the passed model


go work:

  • init: Command that organizes local dependencies of the project, when they are not yet published Ex: (go work init ./folderPackage ./folderPackage1 ...)