Fork this repository to acebook-teamname
and customize
the below**
You can find the engineering project outline here
The card wall is here
Our project is deployed on Heroku here
✅ : Complete and deployed
🔜 : Finished, under review
🚧 : In progress
❌ Not started yet
As a user of the web,
So that I can enjoy Acebook,
I would like to be able to sign up.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can accumulate a profile,
I would like to be able to log in to my existing account.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can express myself,
I would like to be able to post.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can tell when I submitted a post,
I would like each post to show the date posted.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can see my most recent posts,
I would like my posts to be seen in reverse chronological order.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can change previous posts,
I would like to be able to update and delete my posts.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can participate in the conversation,
I would like to be able to comment on a post.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can manage my online presence,
I would like a profile page with my picture and my posts.
As a user,
So that I can show that I enjoyed a post,
I would like to be able to like a post.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I know how many people enjoyed my post,
I would like to be able to see how many likes there are on a post.
As a user of Acebook,
So that I can see what other people have posted,
I would like to be able to see other people's profiles.
First, clone this repository. Then:
> bundle install
> bin/rails db:create
> bin/rails db:migrate
> bundle exec rspec # Run the tests to ensure it works
> bin/rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000