
Downloads images a full thread at a time from either 4chan or 4channel using ASP.NET

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Downloads images a full thread at a time from either 4chan or 4channel using ASP.NET.

Getting Started

Launch the application, put in you're thread number and board letter, click download and a zip file will be created with the images shortly. After that download you're images!


To begin developing on the project follow these commands.

git clone https://github.com/Mshriver2/4chanDownloader.git
cd 4chanDownloader/


  • Multi Thread Download (Coming Soon)
  • Allow image conversion (Coming Soon)
  • Download in multiple formats gif, jpg, png, webm, ect (Coming Soon)


  • parse the html string with the Html Agility Pack library extracting image filenames
  • store the image file names into an array
  • download the files to server using array and for loop
  • remove the 's' from the end of image url's in array
  • zip images using thread name
  • provide download button for user to retrieve images
  • allow user to select all file types, or specific types