Express License Management Project

This is a simple Express.js-based project for license management. It provides two main endpoints to generate and validate license keys for a product. The project is written in TypeScript and uses the Express.js framework.


Before running the project, make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine.

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone <repository_url>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd express-license-management
  3. Install the project dependencies:

    npm install


For development, you can use the following npm script to start the server with automatic reloading when you make changes to the code:

npm run dev


Generate License Key

To generate a license key, make a GET request to the following endpoint:

GET /generate-license

Query Parameters:

  • product_id (string, required): The ID of the product for which you want to generate a license key.
  • cpu_id (string, required): The CPU ID associated with the product.
  • license_period_days (string, required): The number of days the license should be valid.

Example Request:

GET /generate-license?product_id=example_product&cpu_id=12345&license_period_days=365

Example Response:

  "license_key": "your_generated_license_key_here"

Validate License Key

To validate a license key, make a POST request to the following endpoint:

POST /validate-license

Request Body:

  • license_key (string, required): The license key you want to validate.

Example Request:

POST /validate-license
Content-Type: application/json

  "license_key": "your_license_key_here"

Example Response:

  "isValid": true,
  "license_data": {
    "product_id": "MyProduct",
    "cpu_id": "123",
    "license_period_days": 365

If the isValid field is true, the license key is valid, and you will also receive license_data containing information about the product, CPU ID, and the number of days the license is valid.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to customize and extend this project to suit your specific licensing needs.

License Utility Module

This project also includes a standalone utility module for license-related operations. You can use this module independently of the project in other applications that require license generation, validation, or data extraction functionality.

Functions in the License Utility Module

Function Name Purpose Can Be Used Independently?
signData(data) Signs data using a private key. Yes
generateLicenseKey(product_id, cpu_id, license_period_days) Generates a license key based on provided parameters. Yes
validateLicenseKey(license_key) Validates a license key. Yes
extractLicenseData(license_key) Extracts product_id, cpu_id, and license_period_days from a license key. Yes

This module contains functions for various license-related operations, making it a standalone utility that can be used independently of the main project.