Q1 assessment:

  1. What areas do you feel you are struggling the most in? (Be specific, technologies, habits, etc.)

habits are going home and getting a little more work done. By the time I head out of here, I’m exhausted and usually stay a little after anyway. But I’d like to learn how to get more productive in my own space.

javascript tech is throwing me off still. The event listener lesson James gave was really well done, but it hasn’t fully clicked with me yet.

Also struggling with the fact that I don’t know CSS as well as i’d like to. I want to get into the animation of it all so any help there is welcomed.

  1. Develop a plan using S.M.A.R.T. goals to continue progress in the areas you mentioned above. S.M.A.R.T. - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.

S. To have accountability in the conclusion of projects by self assessment, understanding of deadlines, and creating a quiet environment to complete projects. M. I’d like to try getting this to work twice a week. A. focus in on forge and noted misunderstandings from class R. Use this time to scan over documents in forge, redo checkpoints and work toward achieving mastery…projects will happen in class. T. One solid and strong hour or more.

S. Focus in on key words, methods and patterns that are utilized in javascript and come to know them. M. Write out what you know, define it, and then look up what you don’t. A. An exercise to do on your own time in class and outside. R. Apply your self study to that in which we are most recently learning…start utilizing flashcards again! T. The start of every week.

  1. Look back at Block 1, choose 3 'aha' moments where something clicked and describe them below.

connecting languages as of far. I see that we can have organization now, much better than Cobol, in how we see and organize the data to run faster, and be more legible for the next programmer.

how javascript loops work. Having experience with loops, it was frustrating not seeing out to make things work. But now, I can! It’s just a matter of learning all the moving parts that can be added to the loop.

  1. What areas do you feel the most confident in? What is making you happy right now?

I’m happy learning and actually hearing the pieces we will need for projects and digging into them deep. Last week was a really strong week for me I believe, pixel art was made and scored w mastery, I got pretty far on my own for Galvenize Eats and I felt good in understanding the scope. I’m using let and const now!

  1. What technologies/industries are you most excited about currently?

Design, CSS for sure. My stretch goal is animation in that technology.
I am excited about javascript, just understanding better would be nice.

I'm interested in user integration and seeting up API's now that we have those tools.

Eventually, I'd love to get into either the animation industry, or the travel industry. NO particular order so working through the moving parts I need to enter those fields are my goals.