
Device for ANARI generating USD+Omniverse output

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

USD device for ANARI

Device for ANARI generating USD+Omniverse output


Building the ANARI USD device

The best way to build is to run cmake(-gui) on the superbuild subdir, for detailed instructions see superbuild/README.md.

In short, use the above to set USD_ROOT_DIR to the directory containing the /include and /lib subfolders (or /debug and /release, see Debug Builds), and optionally an OPENVDB_ROOT_DIR or OMNICLIENT_ROOT_DIR. After configuring and genering the superbuild, the actual projects and dependencies are configured, generated and built with cmake --build . --config [Release|Debug]

Usage notes

  • Device name is usd
  • All device-specific parameters are prefixed with usd::
  • Examples in examples/anariTutorial_usd(_time).c

Specific ANARIDevice object parameters:

  • Set usd::serialize.location string to the output location on disk, usd::serialize.outputBinary bool for binary or text output. These parameters are immutable (after first anariCommit).
  • Alternatively, usd::serialize.location will also try the ANARI_USD_SERIALIZE_LOCATION environment variable. If neither are specified, it will default to "./" and emit a warning.
  • Parameter usd::serialize.hostname has to be used to specify the server name (if Omniverse support is available) and optional port for Omniverse connections. This parameter is immutable.
  • Use usd::timestep to set a global timestep for USD output. All parameters and references from parent to child ANARI objects will be converted into USD for this particular global timestep, except for selected "timed objects" (see below). The value of this parameter can be changed at any time, but make sure to call anariCommit on the device after setting it.

Specific ANARI scene object parameters (World, Instancer, Group, Surface, Geometry, Volume, Spatialfield, Material, Sampler, Light):

  • Each ANARI scene object has a name parameter as scenegraph identifier (over time). Upon setting this name, a formatted version is stored in the usd::name property (with corresponding .size as uint64). After anariCommit (or anariRenderFrame, depending on the usd::writeatcommit device parameter) its full USD primpath can be retrieved with usd::primpath (with corresponding .size as uint64).
  • Changes to data are actually saved to USD output when anariRenderFrame() is called.
  • If ANARI objects of a certain name are not referenced from within any committed timestep, their internal data is only cleaned up when calling anariDeviceSetParam(d, "usd::garbagecollect", ANARI_VOID_POINTER, 0). This is adviced after every anariRenderFrame() or a subfrequency thereof.

Specific ANARI timed object parameters (Geometry, Material, Spatialfield, Sampler):

  • A usd::timestep parameter to define the time at which commit() will add the data to the scenegraph object indicated by usd::name, regardless of the global timestep set for the ANARIDevice object. The effect of setting this parameter is that the parent objects referencing these "timed objects" will keep a USD-based time-mapping per global timestep. This way, a child reference defined at a particular global timestep will point to the data output of the child object at its usd::timestep. This parameter is applied like any other parameter during anariCommit.

Advanced parameters

ANARIDevice object parameters:

  • Device parameter usd::scenestage allows the user to provide a pre-constructed stage, into which the USD output will be constructed. For correct operation, make sure that anariSetParameter for usd::scenestage takes a UsdStage* (ie. the mem argument is directly of UsdStage* type) with ANARI_VOID_POINTER as type enumeration. This parameter is immutable.
  • Device parameter usd::enablesaving of type ANARI_BOOL (default ON) allows the user to explicitly control whether USD output is written out to disk, or kept in memory. Assets that are not stored in USD format, such as MDL materials, texture images and volumes, will always be written to disk regardless of the value of this parameter. In order for no files to be written at all, additionally pass the special string "void" to usd::serialize.location. This parameter can be changed at any time and applies immediately.
  • Device parameter usd::serialize.newsession of type ANARI_BOOL (default ON) allows the user to explicitly control whether a new empty session directory has to be created for USD output, or whether the last written session and its USD files have to be reopened, after which the device will continue (over-)writing the existing files. In the latter case, existing prims will be changed to match the contents of any committed ANARI objects that go by their corresponding name, but other already existing prims within the USD files will be left untouched. This parameter is immutable.
  • Device parameters usd::output.<x>, which give control over what or how certain objects are converted to USD, to increase compatibility with certain renderers or reduce clutter in the resulting USD graph. All of them are immutable. Permissible values for <x> are:
    • material: Whether material objects are included in the output
    • previewsurfaceshader: Whether previewsurface shader prims are output for material objects
    • mdlshader: Whether mdl shader prims are output for material objects
    • displaycolors: Whether displaycolor primvars are output for geometry objects, to support vertex coloring on previewsurface shaders
    • mdlcolors: Whether st1/2 color arrays are output for geometries, to support vertex coloring on mdl shaders
  • Device parameter usd::writeatcommit controls whether writing to USD will happen immediately at the anariCommit call, or at anariRenderFrame (default). The potential advantage of the former is that one has more granular control over USD processing time. Note that if this parameter is set, the ANARIDevice (specifically its usd::timestep) should be committed before any other object in the scene. This parameter can be changed at any time and applies immediately.

ANARI scene objects:

  • Use individual bits of the usd::timeVarying parameter to control which exact ANARI object parameters should vary over time, and which ones should store only one value over all timesteps. Which bit corresponds to which parameter can for the moment only be gathered from the Usd<objectname>.h header. This parameter can be changed at any time and is applied like any other parameter during anariCommit.

Not supported

  • Arbitrary commit order - commits need to happen from leaf objects (Geometry/Materials/etc.) to root objects (World)
  • Geometries:
    • color array type other than double/float (so no fixed types)
    • strided arrays
  • Volumes
    • color/opacity.position parameters
  • Materials:
    • obj materials, just use matte and transparentMatte
    • string/sampler parameters, except map_kd which remains as texture sampler (set usevertexcolors for vertex coloring - for full parameter list see UsdMaterial.cpp)
  • Samplers:
    • anything other than filename argument for texture source, with wrapmode1/wrapmode2
  • Lights
    • completely unsupported
  • World
    • direct surface/volume parameters

Detailed build info

Debug builds

If you have separate release and debug versions of USD, (or standalone OpenVDB, Blosc, Zlib), make sure the /lib and /include directories of the respective installations exist within /release and /debug directories, ie. for USD: <USD_ROOT_DIR>/release and <USD_ROOT_DIR>/debug.

Downloading the Omniverse libraries

  • Get the Nvidia Omniverse Launcher from https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/omniverse/
  • Go to the Exchange tab and navigate to the Connectors section. Install the Connect Sample (version 102.1.5 is known to work).
  • Go to the install directory of the connect sample, which is typically in ~/.local/share/ov/pkg/ or <userdir>/AppData/local/ov/pkg/ but can also be found in the launcher by looking at your installed apps, a triple-stack on the right side of the connector sample entry -> settings
  • Build the connect sample by running build.sh/.bat in its folder
  • Locate the nv_usd, omni_client_library and python folders in the _build/target-deps subfolder
  • The location of the previous three subfolders respectively can directly be set as USD_ROOT_DIR, OMNICLIENT_ROOT_DIR, Python_ROOT_DIR in the ANARI CMake superbuild configuration

Building USD Manually

  • The environment variable BOOST_ROOT should not be set
  • On Linux:
    • Zlib has to either be installed on a system level or built from source (with -fPIC added to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS)
      • Run, for a particular value of <zlib_install_dir>: export CMAKE_ZLIB_ARGS="-D ZLIB_ROOT=<zlib_install_dir>
    • If using Anaconda:
      • The pyside2 and pyopengl package has to be included in the environment
      • Make sure a Python include directory without m suffix exists (create a symbolic link if necessary)
    • Run, for a particular value of <config>: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<USD_ROOT_DIR>/<config>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • On Windows:
    • Make sure pyside2-uic.exe from your Python ./Scripts directory is in the PATH
    • only for debug builds: In pyconfig.h all pragma comment(lib,"pythonXX.lib") statements should change to pragma comment(lib,"pythonXX_d.lib"). They can be changed back after building USD.
  • Build and install USD by running the buildscript python <usd_source_dir>/build_scripts/build_usd.py <USD_ROOT_DIR>/<config> (where USD_ROOT_DIR is the desired installation location)
    • Add --debug (v21.08-) or --build-variant debug (v21.11+) for debug builds
    • For OpenVDB on Windows, run in a developer command prompt and add the following flags: --openvdb --build-args openvdb,"-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=\"-D__TBB_NO_IMPLICIT_LINKAGE /EHsc\""
      • OpenVDB's FindIlmBase.cmake is broken for debug builds, so make sure that the _d suffix is removed from <USD_ROOT_DIR>/<config>/lib/Half-X_X_d.lib and <USD_ROOT_DIR>/<config>/bin/Half-X_X_d.dll after running the build once, then run it again.
    • For OpenVDB on Linux, add the following flags: --openvdb --build-args openvdb,"-D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-fPIC $CMAKE_ZLIB_ARGS" blosc,"-D CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=-fPIC -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-fPIC" openexr,"$CMAKE_ZLIB_ARGS"