Task Management System

Screenshot of the overall setup > *Screenshot of the Web application *

Short Description 🎲

A task management system developed using vanilla JS and css. The development process involved use of npm and webpack as core technologies. This is a C.R.U.D app meaning a user can add a new task or project, read the task, change the task credentials and delete the task. A user can also do this with the projects

Demo 🚴


  1. clone the repo
  • git@github.com:Mtendekuyokwa19/TaskManagementSystem.git
  1. Installation of all the pckages
  • npx webpack
  • npm i html-webpack-plugin

Features and Aspects

  1. Entering a new Task

Screenshot of dialog box of entry > Screenshot of dialog entry box

  1. Deleting a Task

Screenshot of deleted entry

A delete button at the edge of the Task box

  1. Setting Task status

Screenshot of reading status

The status has been set to complete

  1. Editing the Task

Screenshot of reading status

a pop up similar to the one used when entering a new task comes up. The creditials of the Task you are trying to edit are auto-filed

  1. Viewing Today's tasks & current week's task Screenshot of this week

A section which has this weeks tasks all together

  1. Update of statistics of all your projects and Tasks

Screenshot of this week

when a task is added or removed the stats tab update themselves automatically

  1. Deleting of tasks

Screenshot of this week

Both Tasks and projects can be deleted.Simply pressing the X you will clear all the tasks belonging to tht project

Technologies and Tools 🔧

  1. Webpack
  2. vanilla CSS
  3. Vanilla Javascript
  4. Chrome Dev tools
  5. Git
  6. Google fonts
  7. Figma And Figma community
  8. Github Pages
  9. npm

What I learned 🎓

  • Modular programming.
  • Object-oriented Programming

Dissecting and applying the principles of OOP. The S.O.L.I.D principles, mostly single responsibility helped alot in the project

Motivation 🧠

  • Creating a task management system for myself so that I can be using it for school.
  • Practicing Time management

Credits 🤝

Future Update🔮

  1. Notification when there are no tasks.
  2. Charts and dates