
Spotify integration for vim

Primary LanguageVimL


vimify is a plugin for Vim that provides simple Spotify integration. Since it uses the MPRIS2 dbus interface to control Spotify, it works out of the box with all Linux systems, provided that the Vim installation was compiled with python. Using this plugin, users can search for spotify tracks, browse through artists and albums, and completely control the playback of tracks through the desktop version of Spotify, all without leaving the comfort of Vim!

Features and Usage

vimify is designed to interface with a running desktop instance of Spotify. Currently, the following features are supported:

  • :SpPlay will play the current track
  • :SpPause will pause the current track
  • :Spotify or :SpToggle will toggle play/pause
  • :SpSearch <query> will search spotify for 'query' and return the results in a new buffer. While working in the Vimify buffer, the name, artist and album of all pertinent tracks will be displayed. Vimify's behavior in this buffer is described as follows::
    • <Enter>: If the cursor is over the name of the track, Spotify will begin playback of that track
    • <Enter>: If the cursor is over the name of the artist, all of the artists tracks will be displayed, sorted chronologically and by album
    • <Enter>: If the cursor is over the name of the album, all of the tracks on the album will be displayed in the proper order
    • <Space>: Is bound to :SpToggle when working in the Vimify buffer


The preferred way to install vimify is to use pathogen. With pathogen installed, simply run

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/MuAnsari96/vimify

and you'll be good to go! Once help tags are generated, you can just run :help vimify in vim to see the manual.