The YouTube Clone Project aims to replicate the functionalities of YouTube using the MERN stack. This full-stack project allows users to interact with a dynamic and interactive user interface, upload files, and authenticate using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). The project is deployed on Netlify for the frontend and Heroku for the backend.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Solid foundation in front-end development.
- ReactJS: Building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
- Redux: State management using Redux and Redux Thunk for asynchronous actions.
- Axios: Making HTTP requests to the backend.
- Node.js, Express.js: Developing the backend using Node.js and Express.js.
- CRUD Operations: Implementing CRUD operations using MongooseJS for MongoDB.
- Authentication: Securing the application with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- File Upload: Uploading files to the server and displaying them on the webpage.
- Cloud Platforms: Deploying databases on cloud platforms.
- GitHub Portfolio: Building a comprehensive full-stack GitHub portfolio showcasing skills.
- Git Operations: Mastering Git for version control.
- Deployment:
- Frontend: Deploying the frontend on Netlify.
- Backend: Deploying the backend on Heroku.
- Google Sign-In: Implementing Google Sign-In using the Google Authentication API key.