YouTube Clone Project


The YouTube Clone Project aims to replicate the functionalities of YouTube using the MERN stack. This full-stack project allows users to interact with a dynamic and interactive user interface, upload files, and authenticate using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). The project is deployed on Netlify for the frontend and Heroku for the backend.

Project Details

Frontend Development

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Solid foundation in front-end development.
  • ReactJS: Building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
  • Redux: State management using Redux and Redux Thunk for asynchronous actions.
  • Axios: Making HTTP requests to the backend.

Backend Development

  • Node.js, Express.js: Developing the backend using Node.js and Express.js.
  • CRUD Operations: Implementing CRUD operations using MongooseJS for MongoDB.
  • Authentication: Securing the application with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
  • File Upload: Uploading files to the server and displaying them on the webpage.

Database Deployment

  • Cloud Platforms: Deploying databases on cloud platforms.

Development Skills

  • GitHub Portfolio: Building a comprehensive full-stack GitHub portfolio showcasing skills.
  • Git Operations: Mastering Git for version control.
  • Deployment:
    • Frontend: Deploying the frontend on Netlify.
    • Backend: Deploying the backend on Heroku.
  • Google Sign-In: Implementing Google Sign-In using the Google Authentication API key.

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