Reinforcement Learning- Watkins Q Learning(Eligibility Traces) for Maze Solving Agent

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Teknomo's Q Learning Tutorial MATLAB Code is adapted for our coursework. Graphs are added and Eligibility Traces is incorporated

File 1 ReinformcentLearningGreedy.m

This file has normal Q Learning with Epsilon Greedy Policy The csv file being read in matlab code has to be changed depending on Case (Reward Matrix) The values of constant Epsilon , Gamma, Alpha to be changed as per Case and which states to be read if punishment incorpoated in Case 5A and 5B in code line 49

File 2 ReinforcementLearningQlambdaWatkins.m

It is Watkin's Q Learning Algorithm implementation

Reward Matrixes in CSV Files RewardMatrix25 was just for testing and can be ignored

By: Muaaz Bin Sarfaraz and Chadi El-Hajj These files should be refered with the actual coursework report.

email: muaazbinsarfaraz@yahoo.com


MAZE to be solved by agent graphmaze1