
Blog App Reac Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

✨ I am thrilled to introduce the Blog App project I have been diligently working on. Here's a brief overview of the project: Description: In this Blog App project, I've developed a multi-page frontend web application that incorporates global state management through Redux. The backend, powered by Node.js, utilizes REST APIs for seamless communication. Tech/Framework Used: 🎯 React.js 🎯 React-redux 🎯 Redux/Toolkit 🎯 React-Router-Dom 🎯 Redux-Persist 🎯 React-toastify 🎯 Yup -Formik 🎯 Axios - Instance 🎯 Material UI 🎯 REST API 🎯 POSTMAN 🎯 Redux DevTool Project Structure: Created the project using create-react-app. Strategically planned the page structure with react-router. Implemented global state management for authentication using Redux and Redux-toolkit. Conducted validation operations in the form structure using Formik and Yup libraries. Developed page contents post-testing API requests through Postman. Displayed contents as cards on the blogs pages; incorporated modal structures for adding and editing information. Executed all CRUD operations by sending requests to the API. Controlled transactions made with Axios by creating a custom hook in the global state. Stored user information using React-persist. Utilized Material UI libraries for styling. This project is a culmination of extensive planning, meticulous development, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies. I'm excited to share the outcomes and insights gained through this journey. Stay tuned for more updates on my blog! ✨

Blog App


Blog App