
A catalogue of the data and analysis driving the investigations of MuckRock's news team.


A catalogue of the data and analysis driving the investigations of MuckRock's news team.

Date GitHub 🔗 Description Article Reporting Tipsheet
2023-12-06 cicero-koppers-air-pollution Cook County air emissions inventory data, analyzed in relations to EPA's AirToxScreen modeling and Toxics Release Inventory 📰
2023-10-16 air-quality-excpetional-events Hard-to-find EPA data on exceptional events, analyzed over time and combined with other data sources from FOIA requests 📰 💡
2023-05-23 gao-wildfire-exceptions Analysis of wildfire exceptional event submissions and increasing wildfires 📰
2023-04-26 missouri-childcare-deserts ZIP code level data and analysis of child care deserts in Missouri and pandemic funding to those ZIP codes 📰
2023-03-08 maternal-mortality CDC data and data from death certficates in several states related to U.S. maternal mortality from 2020 to 2022 📰
2022-12-15 nyc-wastewater Comparison and analysis of COVID-19 concentrations in sewage data with NYC's COVID-19 case data from March 2020 to December 2022 📰
2022-12-14 long-covid-death-certificates Regular expression analysis of cause of death fields in death certificates from several states, searching for key words related to Long COVID 📰
2022-11-30 chicago-air-quality-automated Data and analysis of air quality sensor readings in Chicago, automated with GitHub Actions 📰
2022-10-17 california-wildfire-pollution Geospatial analysis of wildfire-specific PM2.5 estimates in California from 2006 to 2020 📰
2022-05-16 chicago-air-quality Geospatial analysis of air quality sensor data in Chicago from 2021 to 2022 📰 💡
2021-12-23 uncounted_data Data and analysis of excess deaths potentially related to COVID-19 📰 💡
2021-11-30 vaccine-inequity Mapping and analysis of Chicago vaccine availability by ZIP code and community area 📰