A mobile web application to check a list of metrics (numeric values) that build with React and Redux. WATCHMODE API that provides data about movies. Home page with a list of years that could be filtered by year parameters. Users can view movie titles according to the selected year. The details page has data about the details of the movie and users

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This React capstone project is about building a mobile web application to check a list of metrics (numeric values) that has been created by making use of React and Redux. WATCHMODE API that provides data about movies. The web application has several pages: Home page with a list of years that could be filtered by year parameters. Users can view movie titles according to the selected year. The details page has data about the details of the movie and users can also watch its trailer.

Website Mockup

📗 Table of Contents

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

  • watchmode API

Key Features

List of Movies : HomePage The home page displays a list of all movies. Users can view movie titles according to the selected year.

Detail Page The details page has data about the details of the movie and users can see release date, rating, run time minutes, imdb Id and also watch its trailer.

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🚀 Live Demo

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💻 Getting Started

  • Open GitHub URL of repositry.
  • Download Code repo in zip.
  • Extract and open repo folder into visual studio code or any other Text Editor Software.
  • GitHub Repositry URL: https://github.com/MudasirSherwani/WATCHMODE-REACT-API.git To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Knowldege About HTML / CSS / JAVASCRIPT ES6
  • Webhint
  • Stylelint
  • ESLint
  • node_modules checker
  • Github
  • React
  • Redux


Install this project with:

  npm install


To run the project in a development server, execute the following command:

  npm start


To run the tests in a development server, execute the following command:

  npm test


You can deploy this project using:


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👤 Mudasir Sherwani

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🔭 Future Features

  • Add thumbnail at Homepage
  • Add Media Player

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project please follow me on github and give stars to my repo.

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🙏 Acknowledgments

I would like to thanks Microverse to guide me to complete this project. I give appropriate credit to Nelson Sakwa the author of the original design.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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