
SignTimer - A bukkit plugin

Primary LanguageJava


A stopwatch plugin using signs to start/stop the clock. Great for timed competitions (mazes, speed runs, etc).

Quick Info


  • Multiple timer support
  • Start and stop timers
  • Top command to list for fastest times
  • See your own personal best times
  • See other player's best times

Todo List

  • Look into announcing times to the player when timer is on.
  • Trying to implement more feature requests.

Updating to v2.0.0

  • When the server is first started the config will be updated and the database will be backed up and converted to the new format.
  • After the server has started the original start and stop signs will need to be right clicked to update them to the new format.
  • the original signs will use the timername default. Use /st rename default to change it.
  • /st will list only commands that player has permission to use.

Default config.yml:

  broadcast_times: false
  include_days: false
  include_milli: true
  compact_time: true
  top_amount: 10

  stop_on_death: true
  stop_on_quit: true

  broadcast_message: "%PLAYERNAME% finished %TIMERNAME% in %TIME%"
  player_message: "Your time for %TIMERNAME% was %TIME%"

  driver: 'org.sqlite.JDBC'
  url: 'jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db'
  username: 'root'
  password: ''
  isolation: 'SERIALIZABLE'
  logging: false
  rebuild: false
  version: 0


All settings will be shown in node syntax for ease of documentation, e.g. category.someitem will refer to the someitem setting in the category group.


  • Whether the time will be shown to all players or just you. false = only the player sees their time, true = all players see the time.
  • Default: false


  • Whether the time will output the amount of days, if false hours will go over 24 hours.
  • Default: false


  • Whether the time will be shown down to the millisecond. This only works if settings.compact_time is also true.
  • Default: true


  • Whether the time will be shown a compact format 01d:01h:01s:0001ms instead of 1 day 1 hour 1 minute 1 seconds. Setting this to true will also make the top10 command cleaner looking.
  • Default: true

settings.top_amount - NEW for v2.0.0

  • Sets the amount to times to list with the top command.
  • Default: 10

timer.stop_on_death - NEW for v2.0.0

  • Whether or not the timers should stop if a player dies.
  • Default: true

timer.stop_on_quit - NEW for v2.0.0

  • Whether or not the timers should stop if a player disconnects or quits.
  • Default: true

messages.broadcast_message - Changed formats for v2.0.0

  • Message that is broadcast to all players showing the time. Use tokens to personalize the message. Note: this message only shows when settings.broadcast_times is true
    • Tokens:
      • %PLAYERNAME%: name of the player that finished the timer
      • %TIME%: time that it took for the player to finish the timer
      • `%TIMERNAME%: the name of the timer
  • Default: "%PLAYERNAME% finished %TIMERNAME% in %TIME%"

messages.player_message - Changed formats for v2.0.0

  • Message that is broadcast to the player that finished the timer. Use tokens to personalize the message. Note: this message only shows when settings.broadcast_times is false
    • Tokens:
      • %TIME%: time that it took for the player to finish the timer
      • `%TIMERNAME%: the name of the timer
  • Default: "Your time for %TIMERNAME% was %TIME%"

DB related settings

It is highly recommended that this section of the config be left as-is. Only attempt changing this section if you know what you are doing!

Issues regarding database settings will not be answered. They will be closed as we will most likely not be able to answer them. This section is provided as a courtesy for advanced users if they need it.


  • All commands changed for v2.0.0 to add
  • /st clear <timerName> Clears all times for .
  • /st delete <timerName> Deletes and removes all times/signs.
  • /st enable <timerName> Enables .
  • /st disable <timerName> Disables .
  • /st list Lists all timers. color coded for enabled/disabled.
  • /st mytime <timerName> Lists all your times. is optional.
  • /st rank <playerName> <timerName> Displays the rank for 's time for .
  • /st rename <oldName> <newName> Renames timer from to . Will update signs also.
  • /st top <timerName> Lists the top <config_Setting_Amount> times for


  • signtimer.removesigns description: Allows player to remove sign timers. default: op
  • signtimer.createsigns description: Allows player to create sign timers. default: op
  • signtimer.cleartimes description: Allows player to clear all saved times for a timer. default: op
  • signtimer.delete - NEW for v2.0.0 description: Allows player to delete a timer. default: op
  • signtimer.enabledisable - NEW for v2.0.0 description: Allows player to enable/disable timers. default: op
  • signtimer.list - NEW for v2.0.0 description: Allows player to list timers. default: op
  • signtimer.rename - NEW for v2.0.0 description: Allows player to rename timers. default: op

Creating Sign Timers - MAJOR CHANGE for v2.0.0

To create a sign timer, place a sign with the following information:

  • Line 1: [signtimer]
  • Line 2: timername
  • Line 3: start OR stop

Note: lines 1 and 3 are case insensitive. Ex: Start, sTaRt as well as any variant will all work. Line 2 must be the same for both signs and commands involving timernames.

Example: ![Sign timer example] (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18835236/SignTimer/signexample.png)

Using the timers

Right-click on the "start" timer to start, and right-click on the "stop" timer to stop. It is that simple.