MediNice is an online consultancy website where patient can book appointment with doctor followed by a scheduled video call.
- Any IDE (eg. VS Code , Sublime etc).
- Node JS
- NPM Installer
You can clone the repository
- Make sure your machine is having internet connection.
- Open shell (which ever your OS support) on your PC.
- Change drive to the location where you want your project to be copied.
- Make a folder name Medinice and change directory to that folder.
- Now type or copy-paste the below given commands.
- Frontend
- Backend
- Frontend
- Press Enter and the project will be cloned in you system.
You can directly download the zip file and extract it
After extracting the zip file or after cloning the repository
You will find 2 folders.
- Medinice
- Medinice-server
You can change the names of folder if you want.
To run Client folder, type the following commands in terminal
- cd Medinice
- npm install
- npm start
Frontend port - 3000
To run Server folder, type the following commands in terminal
- cd Medinice-server
- npm install
- npm start
Backend port - 8000
Your project will start running if you followed the instructions properly.
Brief Project Structure
|-- medinice/
|-- public/
|-- index.html #First webpage of the project
|-- src/
|-- components/ #Contains all the required components of project
|-- DoctorProfile/ #Contains UI for Doctor's profile
|-- PatientProfile/ #Contains UI for Patient's profile
|-- doctorCard/ #Contains UI for Doctor's Card
|-- footer/ #Contains UI for footer
|-- meetOurSpecialists/ #Contains UI for meeting specialists container
|-- navbar/ #Contains UI for Navbar
|-- whychooseus #Contains UI for why choose us container
|-- images/ #Contains images used in the project
|-- context/ #Defined all global states
|-- pages/ #Contains all the different pages
|-- Authentication/ #Contains pages related to authentication
|-- home/ #Contains home page
|-- ContactUs/ #Contains ContactUs page
|-- LandingPages/ #Contains Landing Pages
|-- ProfilePages/ #Contains Profile Pages for doctor, patient and admin
|-- VideoCall/ #Contains Video Call Page
|-- DetailView/ #Contains Detail View Pages for doctor and patient
|-- services/ #Contains all the api functions used in the project
|-- Medinice-server/
|-- controller/ #Contains all the controllers of project
|-- adminconroller.js #Contains all the functions related to admin
|-- doctorController.js #Contains all the functions related to doctor
|-- patientController.js #Contains all the functions related to patient
|-- database/ #To establish connection between database and backend
|-- modal/ #Contains Schemas
|-- DoctorSchema.js #Contains doctor schema
|-- PatientSchema.js #Contains patient schema
|-- route/ #Contains all routes used in project
|-- server.js #Main file of Medinice server folder. Initialized socket.IO - server.
Method | Route | parameters / query string | body | Description |
POSt |
/adddoctor | name, age, email, designation, mobile, password, speciality, address, gender, picture, experience, dob, qualification | Take the details as input and create doctor profile | |
/logdoctor | email, password | Take the email and password as input and authenticate doctor | |
/getalldoctor | Returns array containing all doctors | ||
/getdoctorr | id | Takes an id and returns information of that doctor | |
/updatedoctor | name, age, email, designation, mobile, password, speciality, address, gender, picture, experience, dob, qualification | Take the details as input and update doctor | |
/addpendingrequest | pid, did | Takes patient and doctor id as input and add a meeting request in pending request array of doctor | |
/getpendingappts | id | Takes doctor's id as input and returns array containing all the pending requests for a particular doctor | |
/deletependingreq | pid , did | Takes patient and doctor id as input and delete a pending request for a particular doctor | |
/addupcomingappt | pid, did, time, data | Takes the details and add a meeting request in upcoming request array of doctor | |
/getupcomingappts | id | Takes doctor's id as input and returns array containing all the upcoming requests for a particular doctor | |
/addpastappt | pid, did, time, data | Takes the details and add a meeting details in past appointments array of doctor | |
/getpastappts | id | Takes doctor's id as input and returns array containing all the past requests for a particular doctor | |
/deletedoctor | id | Takes doctor's id as input and deletes the profile of doctor | |
/addpatient | name, email, password, designation,mobile, gender, dob, address, age | Take the details as input and create patient profile | |
/logPatient | email, password | Take the email and password as input and authenticate patient | |
/getallpatient | Returns array containing all patients | ||
/getpatient | id | Takes an id and returns information of that patient | |
/searchdoctor | name, country, speciality, qualification | Takes the required tags in inputs and returns the matching doctor profiles. | |
/updatepatient | name, email, password, designation,mobile, gender, dob, address, age | Take the details as input and update patient | |
/addpatupcomingappt | pid, did, time, date | Takes details as input and add a meeting request to upcoming appointment array of patient | |
/addpatpastappt | pid, did, time, date | Takes d etails as input and add a meeting request to past appointment array of patient |