
This CLI tool optimizes coding with GPT-3 and GPT-4 using OpenAI API. Features include text-to-speech, Trello-to-Wordpress, chat-to-Trello linking, URL reading, content manipulation, Gmail/Google Calendar analysis, and OAuth integration. Upgrade your coding with this tool today!

Primary LanguageGo



Mit dem CLI-Tool für GPT-3 und GPT-4 kannst du auf die OpenAI-API zugreifen und deine Coding-Aufgaben optimieren. Das Tool bietet vielfältige Funktionen, wie die Umwandlung von Texten in Sprachausgaben, die Übertragung von Inhalten von Trello auf Wordpress, die Verknüpfung von Chats mit Trello, das Lesen von URLs sowie das Arbeiten mit Inhalten von URLs. Darüber hinaus kannst du mit dem Tool Gmail und Google Calendar analysieren sowie die OAuth-Funktionen von Google, Twitter und Wordpress nutzen. Hol dir jetzt das CLI-Tool und erlebe eine neue Dimension des Codings!


This CLI tool is designed to assist with coding using GPT-3 and GPT-4 with the OpenAI API. It offers a range of powerful features, including text-to-speech conversion, Trello-to-Wordpress integration, chat-to-Trello linking, URL reading, and content manipulation. In addition, it allows for Gmail and Google Calendar analysis, as well as OAuth integration with Google, Twitter, and Wordpress. Whether you're an experienced coder or just starting out, this tool can help take your skills to the next level. Try it out today and see the difference it can make in your coding workflow!

Getting started


Must have Seetings

set your openapi key in the configuration file

for using aws

in config use.aws=true Setup aws CLI and configure aws cli ~/aws/.config ~/aws/.credentials

for using trello

in config trello.active=true

  • trello.key: string - API key used for Trello integration
  • trello.secret: string - Secret used for Trello integration some board IDs predefined 3 boards
  • trello.azubi_board: string - Name of the board used for apprentice tasks on Trello
  • trello.doku_board: string - Name of the board used for documentation on Trello
  • trello.redaktions-board: string - Name of the board used for editorial tasks on Trello

Settings Explanation

  • use.aws: bool - Determines if AWS services are enabled or not
  • openai.key: string - API key used for OpenAI services
  • trello.active: bool - Determines if Trello integration is enabled or not
  • trello.key: string - API key used for Trello integration
  • trello.secret: string - Secret used for Trello integration
  • trello.azubi_board: string - Name of the board used for apprentice tasks on Trello
  • trello.doku_board: string - Name of the board used for documentation on Trello
  • trello.redaktions-board: string - Name of the board used for editorial tasks on Trello
  • polly.active: bool - Determines if Amazon Polly (text to speech) is enabled or not
  • polly.safeAudio: bool - Determines if audio files generated with Amazon Polly are safe for children or not
  • polly.sample: string - Path to a sample audio file used for testing purposes
  • aws.region: string - AWS region to use for AWS services
  • aws.key: string - AWS API key used for AWS services
  • aws.secret: string - AWS API secret used for AWS services
  • bot.MaxTokens: int - Maximum number of tokens (words) generated by the bot
  • bot.Temperature: float - Controls the creativity of the bot's responses
  • bot.PresencePenalty: float - Controls how much the bot will avoid repeating itself
  • bot.FrequencyPenalty: float - Controls how much the bot will avoid using the same words again
  • bot.N: int - Controls the level of context used by the bot
  • bot.Stop: list - List of words or phrases used to signal the bot should stop generating text
  • use.wordpress: bool - Determines if Wordpress integration is enabled or not , used oauth login
  • use.google: bool - Determines if Google services (such as Drive) are enabled or not, used oauth login