
img Sign up: img Sign in: img Read posts: img Add post: img


The app is built with react, Express and mysql.

The components are all pure css, no material-ui or antd are used.

You are able to...

  • Read the blog without logging in.
  • Write blog posts after signing in.

Possible Errors

  • The error GET /__webpack_hmr 404 keeps showing up in the console every couple of seconds (Changing the server port can solve it temporarily)
  • The server crashes out at times with the ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR: Too many connections error


  • I haven't add any alerts yet (at situations such like entering the wrong password...).
  • Lack of authentication when having identical users or posts.
  • Does not handle react-router very well.
  • Not able to edit articles.


github clone

cd b0370323_blog/blogApp
npm install
npm start

cd b03703023_blog/blogServer
npm install 
npm start