
부스트캠프 AI Tech 5기 Level 1 프로젝트 - Image Classification

Primary LanguagePython

Gender and age classification for wearing mask image

This project is the Naver Boost Camp CV11 team's submission code for the mask wearing status classification competition. When a picture of a person wearing a mask is given, it is a matter of classifying the person's age, sex, and whether he or she is wearing a mask.

Team Members

서지훈 프로필 이준하 프로필 이지유 프로필 이채원 프로필 최지욱 프로필
서지훈 이준하 이지유 이채원 최지욱


  • OS : Linux Ubuntu 18.04.5
  • GPU : Tesla V100 (32GB)


1. git clone

  • git clone https://github.com/boostcampaitech5/level1_imageclassification-cv-11.git

2. Install Requirements

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Training

To solve this problem, we conducted 18 classifications including gender, age, and whether to wear a mask, experimented with multi-output-classicaiton by setting each as a separate output, and conducted many experiments in the training process, such as removing the background of a given image through segmentation or adding regression loss for age. The method of execution for this experiment is as follows.

3-1. single-output-classification

  • python train.py

3-2. multi-output-classification

  • python train_multi.py

Key Options

  • --save_dir : save path
  • --data_dir : input path
  • --use_age : weight of mseloss(age)
  • --seg : enable segmentation
  • --model : model type (default: EfficientNet B0)
  • --batch_size : batch size for training
  • --criterion : criterion type
  • --epoch : number of epochs to train

4. Inference

4-1. Inference without segmentation image

  • python inference.py

Key Options

  • --data_dir : input path
  • --model_dir : model weight path
  • --output_dir : output path
  • --is_multi : enable multi output classification
  • --model : model type (default: EfficientNet B0)
  • --batch_size : input batch size for validing


Metric : f1 score

Model f1 score
EfficientNet B0 0.93093
ResNet 18 0.88177
ResNet 34 0.93165
EfficientNet B1 0.94594
EfficientNet B2 0.95842
ViT Tiny (Patch 16, 384) 0.76766
ViT Small (Patch 16, 384) 0.77515

Best model : Efficientnet B2