
OSC (Open Sound Control) for C++ using Qt (Mugen implementation)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


OSC (Open Sound Control) library for C++ using Qt

This library is dedicated to writing or read osc messages.

Writing Messages

	OscMessageComposer msg( "/the/osc/address");
    msg.pushBool( true );
	msg.pushInt32( 99 );
    QByteArray* formattedMsg = msg.getBytes();

Reading Messages

	OscReader reader(rawMessage);
	OscMessage* msg = reader.getMessage();
	QString address = msg->getAddress();	// Get the message address
	bool myBool = msg->getValue( 0 ).toBoolean();
	int myInt = msg->getValue( 1 ).toInteger();
	delete msg;	


Current osc.test.pro is using GoogleTest library. It is available at GoogleTest