This is a website that helps every common mwananchi with concerns of high cost of living. OkoaBob comes in hand where it will help in terms of telling everyone the nearest location that everyone can buy their needs at a lower price
Visit the live site Here
- Open Terminal {Ctrl+Alt+T}
- git clone
- cd OkoaBob
- code .(for Vs Code) or atom .(for Atom)
- Ensure the following stylesheets have also be linked to you project
- Script CDN
- BootStrap
- JavaScript
- Markdown
Behavior | input | output |
User input selected product from a list of products on submit andis able to compare price list form diffrent retailers | User selects particular product | User sees displayed product list and is notified of least price of product |
[Mugera Hughes]
[Bedan Takona]
[Mohamed Amin]
[Oliver Kiplagat]
[Eston Kagwima]
For any further inquiries or contributions or comments, reach the secretary at [Mugera Hughes]
MIT License Copyright (c) {2021}