Breast Advoccate 🔥

Designed for Womens

Breast Advocate is a platform for all your medical needs and knowledge built using Flutter and Firebase. Breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women in India. To tackle with this problem we have made an app on breast cancer, which would provide you with all the information, self examination questions, exercises, symptoms and also consultation with good oncologist, so as to save your time searching for the same.

##Sections 📚

✔️ Onboarding Screens
✔️ Login/SignUp
✔️ Diagnostic Screen
✔️ Activity Screen
✔️ Symptoms
✔️ Online Consultation

Getting Started....

  • The app is completely built on flutter framework of dart and that's why we need flutter sdk and much more do your flutter setup by going to the folloewing link
  • , after the successful of setup installation, clone the repository into your local system using below command:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd breast-advoc

# Open project in VS code
$ code .

# Install dependencies by going to pubspec.yaml
$ flutter pub get

# To run the project
$ flutter run

# Well As our app uses Firebase as backend as a service. So, to run the project we need to connect firebase within our app So , for that goto firebase website and make account and setup your firebase account and connect it with the app.

and if you are having any trouble in ruuning this app just email us and we'll help you ASAP..!
