BrewBench is an Arduino brew monitor, controller and alert system for the home brewer enthusiast. It uses the Arduino REST API to interface with temp sensors.
You can also connect a relay to the digital ports and add a heater / pump to create a RIMS system. The software will start/stop the heater/pump based on the target temperature you set.
BrewBench Monitor can easily be used with fermenters with a thermowell.
- Thermistors
- DS18B20
- PT100
- DHT11
- DHT21
- DHT22
- DHT33
- DHT44
- BMP180
- SoilMoisture
Temp Controllers
- Ranco
- InkBird ITC-1000
- Any Sainsmart relays
- Any SSR
Smart Devices
- TP-Link
Download a sketch from the sketches link in the header and install with the Arduino IDE.
Go to BrewBench monitor or clone this repo and follow dev instructions below.
Install NodeJS
# install
npm install
# run tests
npm test
# start dev web server
npm start
Code is compiled to a build
directory, build the code and copy that to your web server.
# install
npm install
# build files for deployment
npm run build
Download the Fritzing Diagram here
Download the Fritzing Diagram here
- For the Lovibond Hex colors:
- For the SVG icons:
- For the Hop and Grain reference:
- For the recipes:
- For the bell sounds:
BrewBench is a brew monitor and controller Developed by Andrew Van Tassel ©2018.
For help look at the forum or start a conversation on gitter.