
"For Educational Purpose only"

  1. Write the R script to load the XML file in R environment and also write the R script to extract elements of XML. Convert the XML data into Dataframe and also perform Data Manipulation.
  2. Find factorial of a given number.
  3. Generate a fibonacci series.
  4. Cluster the USArrests data sets using K means Clustering and also find optimal number of clusters using Elbow Method.
  5. Fit a regression line to predict the height of son given the height of father in R.
  6. Identify the position of the element stored in the list.
  7. Write the R script to generate pie chart to represent rainfall of various regions. Provide appropriate legends also.
  8. Write the R script to generate stacked barplot to represent rainfall of various regions in 3 different months.
  9. create pie chart for the following data Housing-------600 Food----------300 Clothes-------150 Entertainment-100 Others--------200