(Prosper Loan Data)

by (Mohamed Hekal)


This data about Prosper Marketplace, Inc. is a San Francisco, California-based company in the peer-to-peer lending industry. Prosper Funding LLC, one of its subsidiaries, operates Prosper.com, a website where individuals can either invest in personal loans or request to borrow money. The data contain 113937 raw and 81 columns. you can download data here with feature documentation available here.

Summary of Findings

In the exploration, I found that there was a much big spike in different amounts in Loan Original amount like 4k, 5K,10k, and 15k, almost few ask for fractions and a lot ask for multiples of five. when plotting the term data I found that a high percentage of borrowers make a loan for 3 term years and when plotting the term with Loan original amount I found that if the borrowers need a high amount it is a high probability that he makes a loan in 5 years term. borrowers that have a low range in monthly income high probability that he passed his repayment date lower-income higher delay for payment. loan with the 1-year term has a higher Monthly loan payment and that is because it has a high loan original amount

Key Insights for Presentation

For the presentation, I focus on just the influence of the monthly income and monthly payment and loan amount and the term that borrowers choose. I start by introducing the distribution of the Loan original amount and monthly loan payment, followed by the influence of 3 features that i introduce 2 lines above, with the term that borrowers choose on the Loan status and what makes borrowers delay the repayment