Excel_Sale-Dashboard (Vrinda Store Data Analysis)

My first dashboard in this field

Steps to Build the Dashboard

Steps to solve the problem.

Step:1 Data Cleaning • using Fiter (ctrl+shift+l) (Remove Duplicate value) Step:2 Data Processing • add column (ctrl+shift+) • add formula on the Age =IF(E2>=50,"Senior",IF(E2>=30,"Adult","Teenager")) • add column and add month formula.
=TEXT(G2,"mmm") or =TEXT(G2,"mmmm") Dec December Step:3 Data Analysis  pivot table
 Formatting  using chart slicer use (must use pivot table) in the dashboard. Step:4 Report
• format dashboard • Insights

Sample insight: • Women are more likely to buy compared to men (~65%) • Maharashtra, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh are the top 3. • Adults are group (30-49 yrs.) is max contributing (~50%) • Amazon, Flipkart and Myntra channels are max contribution (~80%) Final Conclusion to improve Vrinda store sales: Target women customers of age group (30-49 yrs.) living in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh by showing ads/offers/coupons available on Amazon, Flipkart and Myntra channels.