
The Dev-Op Project is a web application showcasing the use of Jenkins and GCP instances to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, automating the build, test, and deployment processes.

Primary LanguageHTML

🌐 Dev-Op Implementation (Semester Project) University

📖 Overview

The Dev-Op Project is a web-based application designed to demonstrate the implementation of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines using Jenkins and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instances. This project integrates a simple web application with CI/CD practices to automate testing, building, and deployment processes.

✨ Features

🛠️ Admin Features

  • 🔧 Jenkins Integration: Configured Jenkins pipeline to automate the build, test, and deployment stages of the web application.
  • 🌐 GCP Instances: Utilized Google Cloud Platform instances to host and run the web application.

💻 Application Features

  • 📄 Web Pages: Includes basic web pages such as Home (index.html), Login (login.html), Signup (signup.html), and About (about.html).
  • 🎨 Styling: Custom CSS (styles.css) to enhance the user interface.
  • 🔄 Continuous Deployment: Automatic deployment to GCP instances upon successful build and test completion in Jenkins.

📂 Project Structure

  • /Jenkinsfile: Contains the Jenkins pipeline configuration for CI/CD.
  • /index.html: Home page of the web application.
  • /login.html: Login page for user authentication.
  • /signup.html: Signup page for new user registration.
  • /about.html: About page with information about the project.
  • /styles.css: CSS file for styling the web pages.
  • /comsats.jpg: An image used in the web application.

🛠️ Technologies Used

  • Programming Languages: HTML, CSS
  • CI/CD Tools: Jenkins
  • Cloud Platform: Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

🛠️ Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: Download or clone the repository to your local machine.
    git clone https://github.com/Muhammad-Ali-70/Dev-Op-Project.git
  2. Set Up Jenkins: Configure Jenkins with the provided Jenkinsfile for CI/CD.
  3. Deploy to GCP: Set up GCP instances to host the web application, following the deployment steps in the Jenkins pipeline.