
Migration Script from Github to Bitbucket

Git Branch Cloner and Pusher

This script automates the process of cloning all branches from a source GitHub repository, checking them out locally, changing the remote URL, and pushing all branches to a new destination repository.


  • Python 3.x
  • Git


  1. Clone this repository

    git clone <your-repo-url>
    cd <your-repo-directory>
  2. Make the script executable

    chmod +x script.py
  3. Run the script with the source repository URL and the destination repository URL

    python script.py <source-repo-url> <destination-repo-url>

    Replace <source-repo-url> with the URL of the repository you want to clone from and <destination-repo-url> with the URL of the repository you want to push to.


To clone all branches from https://github.com/Priority-Media/react-offer-sites.git and push them to https://github.com/your-username/your-new-repo.git, run:

python script.py https://github.com/Priority-Media/react-offer-sites.git https://github.com/your-username/your-new-repo.git