
recording your crypto assets with multi accounts

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Crypto Assets


Recording your crypto assets with multi accounts


Let's start

Run this tool, it can record your assets automatic.

build with source code

install go

  • git clone https://github.com/goex-top/cryptoassets.git
  • git submodule update --init --recursive
  • go build

Run it


add API KEY in setting view image


create a config file, config.toml, using cp sample-config.toml config.toml , then modify it with followed description

proxy=""                 # socks5://
freq=60                  # unit: second, 60 for 1min
debug = true             # enable / disable verbase log print
username="admin"         #  username for login
password="AbcdEfgh"      # password for login and encrypts and decrypts your apiseckey to store in database

API KEY store in database

  • When a user creates an exchange, the security key / passhase key will be encrypted by AES (ECB) and stored in the database. Remember the password in the toml configuration file. This password is the only password to decrypt the key in the database.
  • Try to create a read-only API KEY


ORM using GORM, support MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3, SQL Server Currently sqlite3 is used, it can create sqlite3 file automatically, CONVENIENCE, you can copy it to everywhere

Data models

3 tables

  • account
    • store all API KEY of all exchanges
  • assets history. Total assets of each exchange, stored at regular intervals (based on freq in the configuration)
    • total valuation of BTC, USD, USDT and CNY
  • coin assets history. All coin asset history for all exchanges
    • coin valuation of BTC, USD, USDT and CNY
CREATE TABLE accounts (
    id               INTEGER       PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
    created_at       DATETIME,
    updated_at       DATETIME,
    deleted_at       DATETIME,
    nick_name        VARCHAR (255) UNIQUE,
    exchange_name    VARCHAR (255),
    api_key          VARCHAR (255),
    api_secret_key   VARCHAR (255),
    api_passphrase   VARCHAR (255),
    last_update_time BIGINT

    created_at DATETIME,
    updated_at DATETIME,
    deleted_at DATETIME,
    account_id INTEGER,
    btc        REAL,
    usdt       REAL,
    usd        REAL,
    cny        REAL,
    btc_usdt   REAL,
    btc_usd    REAL,
    btc_cny    REAL,
    usdt_usd   REAL,
    usdt_cny   REAL,
    usd_cny    REAL

CREATE TABLE coin_assets (
    created_at    DATETIME,
    updated_at    DATETIME,
    deleted_at    DATETIME,
    asset_id      INTEGER,
    coin_name     VARCHAR (255),
    amount        REAL,
    frozen_amount REAL,
    btc           REAL,
    usdt          REAL,
    usd           REAL,
    cny           REAL

Exchanges to support

Exchange Spot Future(Contract) Future(Swap) LOGO
BitMEX ☑️ ☑️ bitmex
Binance ☑️ ☑️ binance
OKEx ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ OKEx
Huobi ☑️ ☑️ huobipro
Poloniex ☑️ poloniex
Bitfinex ☑️ bitfinex
Bitstamp ☑️ bitstamp
Bittrex ☑️ bittrex
Bithumb ☑️ bithumb
GateIO ☑️ GateIO
ZB ☑️ zb
BigONE ☑️ BigONE
HitBTC ☑️ HitBTC

All assets in difference type of account per exchange will be merged


Update per 2 hours

Source code of frontend

If you want to modify frontend, please check out source code https://github.com/goex-top/cryptoassetsweb.git

Buy a coffee

You can buy a coffee to author if it helpful.

BTC: 3Ga5Lh6jW3h51QvRraeFdH6AgpgkxgedL8

ETH: 0x4ba3bffd3ac961de4a4030d9826f88becf745a89

一杯咖啡 一碗热干面