
This project aims to automate test cases generation while ensuring maximum coverage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


------------------- Executing program --------------------------

run on terminal "npm install" to install dependencies

open the output.Test.js file on your IDE to see the demo

run on terminal "npm run generate" to produce test cases for ./sampleCode.js the test cases willl be written in output.test.js file Scroll throught the information displayed on the terminal to better monitor the program's behaviour

run on terminal "npm run test" to run the jest library on output.test.js to get the test report

!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!

  1. Make sure to delete the content of output.test.js before you recompile the project
  2. Feel free to change the commands in package.json if you want to apply our software to another source file
  3. Feel free to change the ./vscode/launch.json file to debug if debugging is needed
  4. When using our code on another js file make sure to implement the same function types as in samplecode.js as our software still doesn not cover a lot of function.
  5. Feel free to Contribute to our project.

------------------ DESCRIPTION-----------------------------------

This project aims to automate test cases generation while ensuring maximum coverage

Samplecode.js contains the sample class ofr which we will be genrating the test cases. In it is implemented a simple class wth a constructer getter and setter.

Parser.js accesses the source code of the program and extracts the AST using esprima tool. Furthermore it then traverses through the AST and dispatches all the method nodes found using the Dispatcher.js. In this contewt we implemented an Observer Design pattern. We chose this apttern as each type a function has a corresponding JEST Test syntaxe and we will try to generalize as much as we can the function within their own class.

./Template containes an implementation of various Methods tempaltes that could be present in the srouce code. This folder containes the main baseline for extension and innovation as our dependency will be more efficient as more tempaltes are implemented.

Each templates contains 2 functions, validate-content: When each template/Observer receives the dispatched method it scans it's code and determine if that function fits the template or not. generate-test-cases: If a Methods matches the template, it gets forwared to this function where it the corresponding test case get generated and written in the output.test.js file

output.test.js Containes the final output , the program writes in it the generated test cases for jest framework to run

utils.js contains main utilities to be used throughout the classes.

TestManager.js this class has no functionalities test. But the idea behind it is that it will manage the test files as the input soruce code can consist of different inter-dependant classes. This function will also manage the import of centralized dependencies

InputManager.js : is a utilities that is leveraged by each template while generating the test cases. it returns random values to be used as test generation parameters.

---------------------------- SAMPLE FUNCTION EXAMPLE ----------------------------------------

for instanc let's consider this function

setWeight (value){
    this.weight = value

The corresponding jest test case is the following

    test('setWeight', () => {
	let rectangle= new Rectangle(1,1);

To achieve this . the dispatcher dispatched the AST corresponding to this method to all templates. The setter tempalte will check that at least one of the provided params is assigned to a class level variable (this.weight) and therefor will consider this function as a setter function and generated the corresponding test case. All the other template will not be activated is the code doesnt match their validation template.